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Workplace Bargaining Agreements


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I know screw the Australian worker and drive around in expensive cars and live in posh houses while your employees are struggling to make ends meet.

and that's what makes the world go around.... and is normally what makes people strive for a little better and move on :pooh: . Then there are those that just want it at the expense of others :spoton: .

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Hey guys

just going of track alil bit if it not a prob, my son is 17 at the moment

and is intrested in doing a trade but is abit confuse about

what he really wants to do I was wondernig if you guys had

any ideas in what jobs he should look at and what pay rate should be getting.

and my self which iam machine opertor for PBR and earning 1k a week

but I really dont no were or what to reckomand for my son

if you guys could give him a few ideas that would be great

Carlos.. :blush:

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  • Sucker
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Hey guys

just going of track alil bit if it not a prob, my son is 17 at the moment

and is intrested in doing a trade but is abit confuse about

what he really wants to do I was wondernig if you guys had

any ideas in what jobs he should look at and what pay rate should be getting.

and my self which iam machine opertor for PBR and earning 1k a week

but I really dont no were or what to reckomand for my son

if you guys could give him a few ideas that would be great

Carlos.. :smilielol:

It all depends on what he likes doing - but as far as the best money a trade in the mines would have to be the best option. :blush:

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  • Sucker
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I know screw the Australian worker and drive around in expensive cars and live in posh houses while your employees are struggling to make ends meet.

and that's what makes the world go around.... and is normally what makes people strive for a little better and move on :blush: . Then there are those that just want it at the expense of others :blush: .

Well I know I certainly aspire to greater things; I would not be happy to maintain my current financial position for the remainder of my life. If that makes me a lesser person then so be it, I’m sure I’ll still manage to sleep quite well at night :smilielol:

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I am currently studying to be a teacher and must say that theses new changes are very scary.

Its good to see that this country is going straight to hell, we cant beat China and other low pay countries so why dont we join em.

There is no honor, respect or mutual understanding for other members of the public, and I guess its a pipe dream to think that everyones various contributions are equal.

Sure theses IR laws will make Australia more competitive and attractive, companies who were here before and couldnt exploit workers here so went overseas will return once workers here are paid just as crap as in China and the like.

I really look forward to the day when we will be treated a little less than garbage, working an extra 20 hours a week for no extra pay so we can look "useful" to our employers, in the faint hope that they wont hire someone else who will do an extra 25 hours without extra pay and so it will go.

Its so shameful that some people would even remotely think these changes are good, we have set in motion a widening of the gap between richer and poorer our way of life in Australia is under attack, work Sat and Sundays, public holidays in cases for little or no extra pay, the happiness of the family unit will suffer terribly, it will no longer be a case of working hard to make life better but working hard just to stay employed.

I do not look forward to the next couple of years...

your gunna be a teacher so you will have nothing to worry about. 12 wks/yr holliday and all and not one sat or sun ever. ot well :blaah: . But good on you for doing teaching. (its actually one profession that I think is under payed)

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  • Member For: 20y 13d
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Hey guys

just going of track alil bit if it not a prob, my son is 17 at the moment

and is intrested in doing a trade but is abit confuse about

what he really wants to do I was wondernig if you guys had

any ideas in what jobs he should look at and what pay rate should be getting.

and my self which iam machine opertor for PBR and earning 1k a week

but I really dont no were or what to reckomand for my son

if you guys could give him a few ideas that would be great

Carlos.. :blaah:

Any trade that he will be subcontract (read: your own boss and unlimited earning pontential). We have a massive skill shortage in the trades in australia. To boot, while hes doing an apprenticship, there is bulk cash lying around (eg, chippies, plumbers etc.) electricians seem to have the best hr rate and the least tools ( and only 3 colours to remember lol) chippies never will be out of work but bulk $ in tools and its hard work, same with plumbing ( and u play in sh*t). painters/plasterers etc, some love it but most find it really boring. Mines are good for quick cash but your lifestyle is crap. I earn 3 times what my solicitor brother in law earns.

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  • Big Gun
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Last time I checked it was the lowest unemployment level for quite some time...workers have the power in my game.

If you are looking for work, you are not counted on the unemployment figures.

If you WANT work, you are not counted on the unemployment figures.

If you work one hour a week, you are not counted on the unemployment figures.

If you are disabled or a pensioner (of any form), you are not counted on the unemployment figures.

If you pay any attention to any government figure, you are not a smart person.


All we ever hear is Government figures, so wouldn't it be camparable?

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for those "gods" who own their own buisness, how would you feel if your kids came home with a ridiculous contract they must sign before they get employment, something along the lines of, we may call you in for work whenever we feel it and will pay you at a single rate, no matter what day or time of day, you will be required to supply your own uniform etc.,

Sure you could tell your kids to not sign but what if the way AWA"s are being pushed where ever you look for work you will have to sign an agreement, what hope do people have then? all start our own buisness, that would only push prices of contracts down further and ruin the ecomomy, it just wouldnt work

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  • Big Gun
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MIAC8 Toolmaker/CNC programmer/CAD Draftsman with 6years as a shift supervisor I think I'm pretty qualified....

You left out Professional Threadminer/Websearcher.

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  • Member For: 21y 1m 8d
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  • Location: brisbane
Hey guys

just going of track alil bit if it not a prob, my son is 17 at the moment

and is intrested in doing a trade but is abit confuse about

what he really wants to do I was wondernig if you guys had

any ideas in what jobs he should look at and what pay rate should be getting.

and my self which iam machine opertor for PBR and earning 1k a week

but I really dont no were or what to reckomand for my son

if you guys could give him a few ideas that would be great

Carlos.. :blaah:

Hey thunder... Ask him if he is keen on doing tiling... you can make serious money with it :spoton:

That said, any trade where you are your own boss can make you some serious cash,.... Its not easy though, and you can have quiet periods :crybaby: Like with anything, the moeny is only there if you work your arse out for it though!!

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