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Dash Glare


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  • Member For: 21y 3m 13d

Don't know about anyone else, but I get sick of the glare from the dash onto the windscreen.

Thinking of doing something about it, but hate the dash mats.

Once saw someone take to a Ferrari with glass paper. As he said, a dash is cheaper than a new front end, but not game to do that with the 'Phoon.

Am thinking about some adhesive backed felt (as soon as I find soemwhere that sells it), but has anyone got a better idea?

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  • Member For: 19y 3m 4d

Hey mate,

I also get the glare during the day, but have you tried putting something on your dash such as a bit of paper or something? It makes it even worse so I dont think that a dash mat will fix the prob. Its not something to really get stuck into, but it just shouldnt be there that's all. No other car iv driven have I noticed this except for my F6. I think we are just left to put up with it mate..


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Could be something to do with the angle though Duckie :spoton:


Diamonds Don't Come as Big As Bricks :spit: MY :msm:


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  • T.P.I.S.
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Hey mate,

I also get the glare during the day, but have you tried putting something on your dash such as a bit of paper or something? It makes it even worse so I dont think that a dash mat will fix the prob. Its not something to really get stuck into, but it just shouldnt be there that's all. No other car iv driven have I noticed this except for my F6. I think we are just left to put up with it mate..


The dash mat does not get one piece of glare.

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