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Turbo's & Superchargers


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G'day Fellas,

I am currently driving a standard ba xr6 ute and am looking to gain a bit more power out of it.

I have been looking around quite regurly and have found a few turbo's/Supercharger's out there but was wondering with the standard xr6 motor is there alot that needs to be done to turn it into a compatible turbo/supercharged engine.

I'd love to hear some feedback if anyone has had there standard 6 upgraded or know of anyone as I am eager to put some more power into my car.



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  • Member For: 18y 11m 12d

I do belive that an edit would be the way to go for a na 6 motor, im sure if you check out the nizpro webpage you will see packages that are offered. but if your looking to turbo or supercharge the car you got, it would be cheaper and far more effective if you sell it and buy a xr6 turbo not to mention more reliable, less of a headache, and have a higher resale

Edited by Fattony
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  • 3 months later...
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Turbo's definately have a lot more low down pull, you have to spin the supercharged engines before they make any power.

Superchargers make power differently, they just seem to keep on pulling and pulling, where the turbo engines can make a lot of their grunt below 3000rpm.

But it will be more reliable and cheaper in the end if you sell the N/A, and buy a turbo.

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  • Member For: 18y 6m 12d
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I always thought that supercharges where the ones to make their power lower in the rev range and turbos more mid to high rpm... Of course it depends what size turbo and to what type charger... but generally its the rule! I know of a car coming out that from the factory with both turbo and charger... and the article said that the carger was for low and turbo up top when the charger ran out of puff.....

Matwillow I would seel it and buy a T... as stated above works out best....

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CAPA do supercharging for about $5k. If you were to sell your N/A and by a Turbo, you would lose more than this, so its a reasonsable alternative.

I'll sell him a complete Typhoon engine for $7ooo, stronger and will make heaps more power.

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  • Member For: 19y 1m 24d
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I always thought that supercharges where the ones to make their power lower in the rev range and turbos more mid to high rpm... Of course it depends what size turbo and to what type charger... but generally its the rule! I know of a car coming out that from the factory with both turbo and charger... and the article said that the carger was for low and turbo up top when the charger ran out of puff.....

Matwillow I would seel it and buy a T... as stated above works out best....

Golf GT uses a supercharger and turbocharger. 1.4l, 125kW, 240Nm, supercharger works upto about 3500 rpm and then turbo takes over. Totally seemless transition of power.

It depends on the supercharger, but roots type make great power down low and centrifugal types like Vortech make power further up the range. Roots type give great torque down low, but make power all through the range. Centrifugal type are more like turbos and need more revs to start make good power, but have great top end.

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