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There is a lot to like about them.

Against, they add considerable weight to the car at its highest point. They add flex to the chassis (generally) and they take up internal head room. If I recall correctly BMW made a huge fuss about the fact that they saved 6kg from the roof of the M6 by going to carbon sections - no data forthcoming from BMW however about the weight penalty of a sunroof - which they also like to fit.

A modern fully featured sunroof together with its reinforcements, tracks, motors, wires, shades, glass, blinds, windshields and drainage must add some 20kg to the roof of the car, though I stand to be corrected on this. Some people are sensitive to the weight of the fuel load in their car whilst to others it is just not that important. A sunroof is the weight equivalent of a bag of pool salt located above your head in the car...

Some options are simply about bang for buck, you trade off your money for the item - or not. The decision to have a sunroof however involves more than that, it involves a design compromise. If you want the crispest fastest chassis, then no roof, if you want the comfort, the experience and the aesthetics then get the roof.



Edited by aiboart
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I had one in my first XRT...

It rattled.

It had a fair bit of wind noise.

The controls stopped working about 5 times and had to be reflashed.

It took away a fair bit of head room, and I am just a 6ft person, noticed it big time when I had to wear a helmet at the track.

I was picking glass out of my head for a few weeks when it shattered all over me, infact I still got a piece imbedded into the top of my head. Should get it taken out one day...

Needless to say, I didn't tick the option the second time around. Mainly for the last reason.

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  • Im the one and only
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There is a lot to like about them.

Against, they add considerable weight to the car at its highest point. They add flex to the chassis (generally) and they take up internal head room. If I recall correctly BMW made a huge fuss about the fact that they saved 6kg from the roof of the M6 by going to carbon sections - no data forthcoming from BMW however about the weight penalty of a sunroof - which they also like to fit.

A modern fully featured sunroof together with its reinforcements, tracks, motors, wires, shades, glass, blinds, windshields and drainage must add some 20kg to the roof of the car, though I stand to be corrected on this. Some people are sensitive to the weight of the fuel load in their car whilst to others it is just not that important. A sunroof is the weight equivalent of a bag of pool salt located above your head in the car...

Some options are simply about bang for buck, you trade off your money for the item - or not. The decision to have a sunroof however involves  more than that, it involves a design compromise. If you want the crispest fastest chassis, then no roof, if you want the comfort, the experience and the aesthetics then get the roof.



My sunroof managed an 11.8 pass :thumbsup:

I love my sunroof and I will have another if I buy again.When I cruise during the day I have my sunroof tilted up and my parkers on.Its kind of a Expensive Daewoo thing ive seen around but I like the look but then again im a TRANNY

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My sunroof managed an 11.8 pass :thumbsup:

I love my sunroof and I will have another if I buy again.When I cruise during the day I have my sunroof tilted up and my parkers on.Its kind of a FORD XR6 TURBO thing ive seen around but I like the look but then again im a TRANNY



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  • Cruise Whore
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I don't have a sunroof but if I wanted one, I'd only go for factory fitted because I've heard some bad things about aftermarket fittings in terms of leaks.

Must admit, of the 2 occassions where I've have the good fortune to drive a car long distance with a sunroof, I really found it beneficial interms of keeping cool inside the car. However, probably because I was unaccustomed to the controls, had some difficulty closing it in time when it started to spit then rain.

Today, I just drive around with my poormans sunroof aka side windows down :laughing:

Seriously though, if I ordered another new T, I think this time I would tick the sunroof option.

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I was luchy enough to have the factory sunroof fitted to my T. Fantastic option - good make used by BMW and Merc - Holland firm can't remember their name but good qty.

My T is a MK1 2004 - havn't had an issue with the roof yet!


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