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  • Puff
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How much fat in them snags there @Rab?


I made one lot of snags with a home minced bolar roast, seasoning etc and 20% fat.


Flavour was on point but either the cut was wrong or the fat had to be a bit higher cos they were a little dry and chewy. They were juicy but dry if that makes sense.


First attempt though and didn't do more than a quick googles worth of research.

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  • WOT?
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The chuck was pretty fatty (asked the butcher for decent cuts for snags) and the pork was basically belly without the skin so heaps of fat there.

Need to air them overnight in the fridge to let the skins set (if using natural, not manufactured skins)



Maybe you needed to cook them a little slower or longer so the fat has a chance to render through the whole snag?


I don't think the bolar cut has much fat or marbling running through it does it? 

Wouldn't have been 20% on the roast alone - outside fat isn't the "good fat" either

Did you add fat? Different types of fat work better than others?


70/30 is probably a good ratio for snags - 20% may have been a bit dry to start with.


Beer (or other liquid) and breadcrumbs can also help spread moisture throughout?


Or mix the meat/fat blend better (or run through the mincer a second time?) so it's not lump of dry meat, lump of soft fat?




Have gone just the single run through the mincer this time - I usually do 2 (mixes the fat/meat/seasoning better, but makes the mix a bit heavy and boring - am trying a coarser blend this time, more of a "country sausage")

I'll often put some cheap and nasty bacon (the cheaper the more fat the better) through the mincer with the meat to up the fat ratio (and add to the taste ;) )


Ended up just going the chilli & cheese and the Guinness & Worcestershire flavours tonight.



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  • Puff
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Haha you should've been a carpenter mate cos I think you hit every nail on the head with that post.


Those were all of my thoughts except I did run it through more than once. Once for fat, once for meat and seasoning and then once all together. Apart from that I'm pretty sure you outlined all of my mistakes.


I spose that's what you get when you don't do your research properly. Cars and sausages are the same lol.


Your's look good mate and I reckon I'll have another crack at it shortly with all of this in mind :)

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  • WOT?
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All good - ask the butcher for the stuff you need and suggestions - they'll sort you out if they're decent.


They're not going to be annoyed your're doing it at home either.

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  • Puff
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I only went to the butcher for skins. I bought the meat from coles I think. 


That's not a reflection on coles meat but rather my lack of preparation, as I was just hoping for a fluke of a good sausage.


I had a feeling that it wouldn't work out 100%.


Next time I'll do my research before hand.

Edited by Puffwagon
I love editing.
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  • WOT?
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7 hours ago, Puffwagon said:

Next time I'll do my research before hand.


KK - have done some research with the ones I did today


Cooked them slow - perfect - gave the fat time to make the whole snag "moist" (girls hate that word)


Tried the different flavoured snags - all tasted great


Tried to pick the difference between the "Chilli Cheese" and the "Guinness" snags - nup... couldn't


Conclusion - don't let @Rab do anything after 9pm

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  • Puff
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Very nice. I can half taste it from here. 


We're having slow cooker roast chicken with roast veg. I gotta admit though I'd prefer your steak lol. 

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