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spaghetti a'la shaz

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...otherwise known as "Roadkill in Hawaii"


Sorry Shaz, I'm sure it tastes equisite but lets face it, Spag Bol. is hardly one of the most attractive looking dishes :blink:

........that Red's not a bad drop for under $20 though (Promised Land I think) :spoton:

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you see Jordak,,,,,

the profound thing here is .. that I actually cooked... :laughing:

and yes Promised Land - 2003 - shiraz cabernet :spoton:

(a birfdy pres from glenno - good to know how much I mean to him <_< )


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Holy hamburgers....

I've just looked at this thread and can't believe its taken me so long. After all, it's all about food.

Now, I ain't no trained chef and would never claim that, but I do bloody love to cook. I ain't got any photos (yet) but there will be some upcoming.

My major speciality is Lobster Morney followed on by many and various Sub continent stuff (Curries.....)

Fish, cooked very plainly, (Lightly floured and shallow fried) is also a fav but it must be fresh.

Every Christmas I do around six cakes for the family but alas, last years efforts were all duds because I overdid the alcohol marinade in the fruit. (I get into trouble from SWMBO because I dont follow a reciepe)

Coming from an old Abatoir town there isn't too much vegetarian trait in me so meat is a main componant of the Macka diet. Needless to say, a well BBQ'd piece of meat is a prime commander of SS MACKMENU.

Geez...all this talk is getting me wet (around the jowls you filthy beast Claude) so I'll just off now and head down the local butcher for a kindly yarn.

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  • I don't suffer from insanity; I enjoy every minute of it
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Tonight was chicken parmigiana. Sorry its kind of Italian (damn cheats), but its so very tasty.

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Tonight was chicken parmigiana. Sorry its kind of Italian (damn cheats), but its so very tasty.

Don't worry Ani, they may be cheats but their food is the goods.

I made Carbonara tonight.

Shallots and Garlic




Sautee them together, then add some white wine,


Once the wine has cooked down, turn down the heat, add 500ml of cream,2-3 egg yolks and a big handful of the best quality grana padano you can find,


Then serve to a loving adoring family/wife/girlfriend!

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