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Was sublime :)


Soft as a baby's bum and fantastic flavour.


Didn't weigh it :(


Cooker was stabilised at about 225f


Meat was on for about an hour 20 (indirect heat) - pulled it off @120f, cranked up the coals (to and put it back on over the flame to crisp up the bacon and get the internal up to around 135f


Basted the bacon with a brown sugar/hickory sauce for the last 5 mins.


Sliced it pencil thick, topped with some bacon bits that broke off and it all mingled perfectly.


Cranberry jelly worked awesome as an accompaniment.


Only thing I'd do differently would be to add some water chestnuts to the bacon I threw on top when serving up - I reckon they would have topped it perfectly.


Was my first try at the "bacon weave" and second time cooking venison (first time was a standard roast in the oven about a decade ago) so was a bit nervous (I know how bad the meat can turn out).


Record of the cook if interested in BBQ diagnostics ;) : https://myflameboss.com/cooks/36131



edit: next time I'll butterfly the strip and roll it with some stuffing - am thinking creme cheese, shallots and some peppers then wrap it in the bacon




edit2: make sure you get "streaky bacon" if you want to try the wrap - nice long, straight cuts rather than the more usual middle rashers

Edited by Rab
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  • Moar Powar Babeh
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1 hour ago, Rab said:



Cooker was stabilised at about 225f





edit2: make sure you get "streaky bacon" if you want to try the wrap - nice long, straight cuts rather than the more usual middle rashers


This gets me all the time. Mine rises slowly and tricks you into thinking it's stabilised then will spike once you put the food in. I think the time it's open must draw enough draft to get the charcoal all stirred up.

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  • WOT?
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Are you using anything to control the temp?


Mine drops when I open the lid - If I let it react to the temp change then it'll stoke the fire. (have set it to pause for 4 mins when it registers the door has been opened)


I also found (depending on the temp needed) only lighting the charcoal in 2 small spots (for a 225f cook) helps it keep stable (1 spot it fluctuates throughout the cooks, 3 spots or more it's too easy to run away)


You may be lighting too much charcoal at the start, causing it all to be starving for oxygen - when you open the lid it's able to get as much as it wants and the whole lot can heat up.


Edited by Rab
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  • Moar Powar Babeh
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Just the top and bottom vents and charcoal placement to control temp.


Mine drops intially but then roars up once the lid is closed. I cooked some steak on it last night and used a handful for charcoal and it still does it.

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  • WOT?
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Have you got a temp probe at meat level? Try it with the deflector plate in one time and see if the grill temp also rises significantly.


The radiant heat from the coals can increase once they go redder from the air, but the pit temp seems to stay stable (if that makes sense) - an unprotected dome thermometer will jump up from the hotter air, while the temp at the grill won't move much


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  • Moar Powar Babeh
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Yeah I have a probe but don't bother using it for steaks etc. I don't used the dome Temp gauge as it's proven itself to be fairly inaccurate.


I'll give the deflector plate ago. Wifey is keen to do a chunk of pig for pulled pork dishes so don't want to cremate it.


Thanks for the tips!

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  • WOT?
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Have a tray of snags near useby and new charcoal so I want to get rid of the old stuff.


Decided to have a try of deviled sausages.


Will be for lunch - can always cancel them if they're a failure and get something else for dinner;)




Dozen snags are under the sauce and apples/onions - fingers crossed it works

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Just put on a frozen curry pie and frozen crumbed fish in the lower oven


Living the dream

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