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Fuel Guage Reading Incorrectly

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  • Member For: 18y 8m 15d

I own a mkII xr6 turbo, and from the moment we bought it I believe the fuel gauge and trip computer are reading incorrectly. it seems to be out by 10-15ltrs, I have been told a couple of different things from ford, but don't seem to be getting anywhere. I have also notice the best I can get out of the trip dte is about 480km whether I drive on the highway or around town. other this it has been great, am also looking at maybe putting in a k&n filter, has this helped anyone? :crybaby:

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  • Member For: 19y 24d
  • Gender: Male
  • Location: The Shire Sydney AUS

Hey Dude, the reading is governed by Vac pressure and an average that is calculated by the ECU Vs your right foot, (electronic accelerator)

this is how you get DTE.

Try This. leave ure negative lead off ure battery overnight and this will reset your ECU to default ..

At first it will read a stupid figure of 500+ DTE (we wish) , do this with a FULL tank and drive it down to about 50 DTE, drive how you usally will ... this is important... for an accurate reading. Do this 3 times and will give you an as accurate reading as its you are ever gonna get..

it also helps if fill it to the top each time you fill,,,

That gets F%^KIN expensive that SUX HARD $92 TO F#C%IN fill up 1.50 LTR :reallymad: :reallymad: :reallymad: :reallymad: :reallymad:

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