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Surging In 1st Gear


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  • Member For: 20y 1m 28d
  • Location: Mexico

Some advice here would be appreciated:

Lately I have found considerable surging in 1st gear just after start up in my XR. When the car gets up to temperature it seams to settle and behave like it should.

There is not any power issue, although its always a bit sluggish when cold.

The surging is like I'm slightly pumping the accelerator. Is it possible that the computer is having problems matching the fuel air mixture?

This is a bit anoying and any help here would assit. I will mention it at the next service, but I know that ford will not fix it, just like the noisy rear park break problem.

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I have a similar problem with surging when I accelerate slowly the car surges like im pumping the throttle ever so slightly. I have spoken to ford about a list of problems and told them I wasnt going to take excuses with this one they have had enough time with 2 ba,s and a bf to get there s..t together.

I will post the results.

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Gents, this surging issue has been a common long term issue with the T's, in particular manuals. I like many others have spent countless hours with Ford and numerous "reflashes" to supposedly fix the issue. When I was building up my T this was one of the most frustrating points of it as well as the constant stalling.

It had been elevated to all different people at ford but no solution. You would think by now with the car in the BF phase that these long term issues would have been sorted.

The solution? After giving up on ford one trip to a tuner and either a unichip or capa flash (I had both) imediately fixed the problem without trying to. All they did was performance tune the car. When I flashed back in the factory tune upon selling the car, guess what problem came back.

Trust me from spending countless hours and phone calls with ford, if you want it right you are best keeping away from Ford. It's just amazing how the company who built the car cannot fix it, however a small mechanic business can.


JB :spoton:

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