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Carputer In Xr6 Turbo


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do u need to connect like a mouse or keyboard
There are various possibilities for input devices. For the mouse you could have -

- touchscreeen overlay

- wireless mouse

- wireless trackball

- joystick

- touchpad

And for the keyboard you could have -

- wireless keyboard

- on screen keyboard

Or you could have a keyboard with an integrated mouse / joystick

Many options, personally, to keep the car looking stock, I'm going to have a touchscreen overlay over the top of the factory ICC, and just use the On Screen Keyboard when the need arises


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Can it work on any screen, not just the factory icc
Yes, it is actually easier to make it work on an aftermarket screen. The reason I chose to make it display on the factory screen was to keep it looking stock, and it also meant that I did not have to fork out for the screen as well (about $300-$400)


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  • 6 months later...
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I've been playing around with my carputer and I thought I might post up some pics.

I was never really happy with my first effort at building the case, it did the job but looked cheap. (hell, it was cheap)


I have made a new case, similar but better. This one is slightly higher (120mm instead of 80mm) because I figure there is no point saving space above the carputer, you can't put anything on top of it anyway. This allows me to use a bigger fan 120mm instead of 80mm (106CFM as opposed to 65CFM) and it also means that I don't have to limit myself to low profile PCI cards now.

Please bear in mind, this is just a mock up - I know it needs cleaning up.

Empty Case


Case with M/B


Case with M/B and fan


Case with M/B, fan and PCI cards


Case with M/B, fan, PCI cards and HDD


Case with M/B, fan, PCI cards, HDD and DVD


I wasn't going to have a DVD, but for the sake of ease I decided to put one in, plus I found it cheap on eBay. (only $10 + $6.80 postage - bargain)

This is how I was going to have it before getting the DVD


Anyway, this is the finished product from the top.


There's a bit of room on the top right corner, I might stick another 120mm fan in there. That's it for now, but I'm sure this will change again soon.


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Thanks to panda I have finally tested my carputer on the ICC screen using the arcadevga agp video card with no problems.

I have made the audio & video cables myself using the correct plugs. The entire unit will fit under the dash out of site and be powered by a M2-ATX, 160w output, 6v to 24v wide input Intelligent Automotive DC-DC Car PC Power Supply.

As for the dvd player, that will be a small portable usb type with a slot instead of a drawer.

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  • 4 months later...
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  • Member For: 19y 8m 12d
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Thanks to panda I have finally tested my carputer on the ICC screen using the arcadevga agp video card with no problems.

I have made the audio & video cables myself using the correct plugs. The entire unit will fit under the dash out of site and be powered by a M2-ATX, 160w output, 6v to 24v wide input Intelligent Automotive DC-DC Car PC Power Supply.

As for the dvd player, that will be a small portable usb type with a slot instead of a drawer.

What res do you run on the arcadevga card and the ICC, and what config do you need to do to make it all work. I have the card running now just aint plugged it into the car, cos I dont wanna blow up my icc.



Edited by Demonio
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