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Turbosmart Blow Off Valves Thread


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  • 777
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I just saw you have a BF I was thinking hang on that's wrong too!

Its diffrent on the FG. the adjuster faces towards the front of the car

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Mine doesn't sound any different right or wrong. Heaps of turbo flutter even on light throttle. I'm doubting it's working at all.

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  • 777
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Mine flutters too on both settings.

Have you tried setting it as hard as possible?

I found this is where it gave more of a soft ptsshhhhh

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Picked up my 2010 model Kompact dual port (25mm) took me all of 10 minutes to remove the standard bov and install this little gem.

I couldn't find any sponsors that had this one so relutantly I hit up autobarn. Took 2.5 weeks for them to get it in and set me back $250.

NOW....I was a little confused when I first started looking into these as it appears that the 2010 has quite a few changes. It looks different for starters. You are given a block off plate which allows you to either block off trumpet side to make it plumback 100% and with that same block off plate you can chose to close up the plumb back vent and have it vent entirely to the atmosphere.

I love it! On an auto, when driven in traffic and cruising it can be dead silent if you chose to drive it so. Closing the throttle whilst on boost will have it sounding anywhere from a queef to a massive ppssssshhhhhhh how it sounds will depend entirely on how YOU drive it.

I've got it 2 winds back from full 'hard' and love it. No problems with idling or anything of that nature.

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  • 2 months later...
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hey guys not sure if this is in the right section cause im new lol, ive got an fg and does anyone know what one is a direct replacement for the stock bov? Also does anyone know if you could get rid of the pssshhh noise and just have a flutter noise? Cheers Scott.

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  • 2 months later...
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  • Member For: 15y 5m 5d
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  • Location: Canberra, ACT

Picked up my 2010 model Kompact dual port (25mm) took me all of 10 minutes to remove the standard bov and install this little gem.

I couldn't find any sponsors that had this one so relutantly I hit up autobarn. Took 2.5 weeks for them to get it in and set me back $250.

NOW....I was a little confused when I first started looking into these as it appears that the 2010 has quite a few changes. It looks different for starters. You are given a block off plate which allows you to either block off trumpet side to make it plumback 100% and with that same block off plate you can chose to close up the plumb back vent and have it vent entirely to the atmosphere.

I love it! On an auto, when driven in traffic and cruising it can be dead silent if you chose to drive it so. Closing the throttle whilst on boost will have it sounding anywhere from a queef to a massive ppssssshhhhhhh how it sounds will depend entirely on how YOU drive it.

I've got it 2 winds back from full 'hard' and love it. No problems with idling or anything of that nature.

Which one does it look like? If I go order one right now, can I expect A or B to show up? Thanks.



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