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  • Member For: 18y 9m 2d

Hi Guys.

I'm new to the XR6T fraternity and I am having a ball with it. I have had all sorts of Fords, from a 65 coupe to a worked RS2000 and many others in between......We couldn't afford to have three cars( 2 daily and 1 toy) so one had to go. I sold my work car and the toy and have combined the 2 in one with the XR(mk1 auto BA-6000 km's).....Any way.....My first question is a warranty one....The care develops a whine from 80kph.....It's from the engine....The dealer changed the power steering pump but it is still making the same noise. It only occurs when moving and comes on as you accelerate from 80kph onwards. If you back off the throttle the noise goes away....Has any one else had the same problem?? any advice would be appreciated.

As far as mods go, there is so much info(and misinfo) out there.......What's a guy to do?? I'm not after maximum power as it's a daily car and I don't want to be rebuilding engines and auto's any time soon.....I currently have the F6 intake and capa tuner with generic tune until I decide on exhaust. I'm also going to do do the injectors and possibly intercooler....I was looking at either the APS or Hi-Tech exhuast with F6 intercooler...What do you think??



Edited by DougM
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  • Member For: 21y 5m 27d
  • Gender: Male
  • Location: Southern Highlands NSW

80>ks s when you on the gas you get the noise. You back off no noise. If it is coming form the rear of the car it sounds like diff whine.

Does it get louder the faster you go??


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  • Member For: 20y 1m 16d
  • Location: Brissy Norf siide
80>ks s when you on the gas you get the noise. You back off no noise. If it is coming form the rear of the car it sounds like diff whine.

Does it get louder the faster you go??


I was thinking the same, Diff whine. just had mine replaced for the 2nd time. same symptoms as above.

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