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Need New Turbo


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You have a leak somewhere in your system. When my BOV blew it's top off, everytime the car hit boost, it sounded like there was a jet under the car.

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sorry guys it took me a while to post the pics.. only picked the car up yesterday.. this is what the turbo looked like...


Edited by Adam
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ford number 1 you and me both... I would like to find out what happened but I bought a new turbo... I couldn’t wait for the investigation report to come thru...

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The pic.. By the time the air has 'choofed' through the compressor wheel it would have slowed considerably by the time it reaches the tips of the minor.

If the damage were caused by pressure spikes it should have mashed the major. NOT the minor.

Recic bov's are there for emission and drivability reasons.

Block the bov off in a manual and you will pick a slight roughness with boost transition and gear changes especially when they are running higher than standard boost levels.

A mates VLT recently clicked over 250,000km's on its stock turbo, no bov. There's many many other jap cars without bov's before ~1990.

All the R32 GTST's were released with bovs. Cefiro's that are basically an R32 with a different shell didn't run bov's yet they still run the same ceramic turbined t3 turbo. They don't have issues.

Emissions and drivability.

If I do nothing but block my bov off I experience slight roughness when selecting the next gear, up hill acceleration does not have a smooth off on boost transition. It is still smooth but its not seamless, boost also builds slightly quicker.

My tuner recommends not to run BOV's. He doesn't run a bov on his race car and that hasn't had its turbo replaced since day one.

Simon/Nispro know what they are talking about.

Edited by Cubes
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Think about which direction the will flow through the turbo when it "flutters". Air flows from the exducer to the inducer (reverse direction). Now if the air was somehow damaging the blades, you would expect to see the damage on the exducer side, not the inducer. Think about it!

Look at this pic.


The air would hit the side edges around the wide part of the wheel. Not the straight edges of the intake part of the wheel. Something must come in from the front to damage the inducer side of the wheel.

Edit, I didn't see your post before I posted Cubes. Yeah, it seems pretty damn obvious by the damage that something came in from the front. If it were even possible for reversion to damage the inducer without damaged the exducer first, the blades would have to bent over in the other direction!

Edited by DennisRB30
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A portion of Simons post.

Then came the aftermarket they made really big shinny ones, didn't’t quite understand what they were for, thought it was to save the turbo from spinning backwards, they normally got you to plumb them up so all the air just blew out to atmosphere again this was measured air so the ecu added fuel although the engine never saw any of it, and it then ran really rich on gear changes but they did make a dunny flush noise that seems to have attracted a cult following. Funny thing is that Indy cars and world rally cars don’t have them. May the EPA isn't on to them yet. They also don’t blow up turbo’s very often. There goes that theory.

So you asked about the BA XR6T. Guess what it hasn't’t got an AFM. It dose its calculation via the manifold pressure sensor [map] and its mounted after the throttle so it never sees the pressure rise on gear changes. So why do they have a BOV STD? Makes you wonder, may be the after market guys are not the only ones that haven’t quite got a handle on it. The other reason would be they properly didn't’t like the dunny flush sound. That my guess.



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Edit, I didn't see your post before I posted Cubes.  Yeah, it seems pretty damn obvious by the damage that something came in from the front.    If it were even possible for reversion to damage the inducer without damaged the exducer first, the blades would have to bent over in the other direction!

Good stuff Dennis. :) I'm glad I'm not the only one to visualise whats going on. :P

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