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Why Im Scared On Buying An Xr6 T


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Do you think this guy would be otherwise influenced if say, 10,000 happy owners stuck "I love my car" on the back of it ??

Does that also mean that every car that doesn't have a sticker on the back is NOT a lemon ??

I agree with the earlier psot, 2 out of how many ??

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Test drive one if you like it buy it

If you dont like it dont buy it

Simple as that

Man am I sick of seeing those same to pictures all the time :spoton:

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Does anyone else think those pics arent real?

anyways, the thing that gets me, is why go through all that trouble..

I mean if you dont like the car or it is a lemon, then get rid of it.. sell it , or dont drive it..

why go get stickers made up and go through the pain of sticking all the letters straight and right distance apart from each other and at the right angle, just to let everyone know that you drive a lemon?? :spoton:

If I thought MY car or the car I drove was a lemon, I wouldnt tell everyone... I would keep it to my self, after all you chose the car, if you are telling everyone its a lemon, you are just bad mouthing yourself... :spoton:

just a thought....

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You guys have to remember we are in an era where hardly anything that is mass produced works perfect. Look at mobile fones they are the best example. 5-10 yrs ago a mobile would last you a life time. Now your lucky 2 years.

Cars are the same. they arent ment to last. Whens something is mass produced they have the bad bunch in them. looks at the mits 380 recall straight away. also the merc a class straight recall coz of all the suspension issues. List goes on and on.

Coz everything these days is mass produced, nothing is perfect. Your just unlucky to get a sh*t product.

What makes a better business is the companys that adress them and fix it straight away.

that's my opinion.

steven :spoton:

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Also Ive read the threads with peoples cars making a fluttering sound in the manuals.... Do the autos make this fluttering sound as well??

But mainly concerned with reading about loose turbo and manifold bolts, dodgy discs as well.. Ive had my rex for over 10 years without any dramas and dont wanna be caught out buying a headache that ends up like an episode from the money pit..

The flutter is actually from the turbo once it comes off load. It's MEANT to make that sound. Almost all of them do it to some degree but the cars with increased boost will have a louder noise. It's addictive. :spoton:

The Original MKI standard brakes were an issue, however, MKII and BF are all good.

My current car is the best car I've ever owned, and I've had a few both dometic and imported.

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if your worried about the ford, and you've had 10 years of trouble free running with the soob, keep the soob.

other than that, find a good dealer who will fix the problems if they occur. every car has problems. a few months ago in motor magazine the bmw m5 ($225,000 worth) shat itself on the test track. that's an automotive giant - B.M.W - with their best car!

I will say though, you probably wont find the quality of servicing as good as subies.

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if your worried about the ford, and you've had 10 years of trouble free running with the soob, keep the soob.

other than that, find a good dealer who will fix the problems if they occur. every car has problems. a few months ago in motor magazine the bmw m5 ($225,000 worth) shat itself on the test track. that's an automotive giant - B.M.W - with their best car!

I will say though, you probably wont find the quality of servicing as good as subies.

Dont say that.My oldman just bought a brand new BMW 750Li. 250 k worth too :spoton:

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