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Grill Removed And Debaged


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  • Resident golf buggy drift champion
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I did cos buying a new bumber and headlights doesnt help with its performance, at the price of doing that , money can be spent elsewhere to make it faster than loooking fast.

All I did was hacksaw out the old grill and buy some mesh. far cheaper option.

And with buying wheels all they do is add weight to the car. since that pic was taken I put 245/45 rear, and 225/50 front tyres on.

Even if u spend 1000's it will still be not that fast...IMHO id be making it look phat rather than wasting money on small amounts of power.

You can pick up cheap front ends from people that have upgraded to F6 fronts etc.


Like small power gains you get from your K+N filter?

Didnt do it for the power f*ck stain did it for the noise mostly....add edit and I got more power than youll ever have and you paid how much for your GT? :stirthepot:

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I did cos buying a new bumber and headlights doesnt help with its performance, at the price of doing that , money can be spent elsewhere to make it faster than loooking fast.

All I did was hacksaw out the old grill and buy some mesh. far cheaper option.

And with buying wheels all they do is add weight to the car. since that pic was taken I put 245/45 rear, and 225/50 front tyres on.

Even if u spend 1000's it will still be not that fast...IMHO id be making it look phat rather than wasting money on small amounts of power.

You can pick up cheap front ends from people that have upgraded to F6 fronts etc.


Like small power gains you get from your K+N filter?

Didnt do it for the power f*ck stain did it for the noise mostly....add edit and I got more power than youll ever have and you paid how much for your GT? :stirthepot:

And how do you know that exactly? Bit touchy arent we?

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  • Resident golf buggy drift champion
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I did cos buying a new bumber and headlights doesnt help with its performance, at the price of doing that , money can be spent elsewhere to make it faster than loooking fast.

All I did was hacksaw out the old grill and buy some mesh. far cheaper option.

And with buying wheels all they do is add weight to the car. since that pic was taken I put 245/45 rear, and 225/50 front tyres on.

Even if u spend 1000's it will still be not that fast...IMHO id be making it look phat rather than wasting money on small amounts of power.

You can pick up cheap front ends from people that have upgraded to F6 fronts etc.


Like small power gains you get from your K+N filter?

Didnt do it for the power f*ck stain did it for the noise mostly....add edit and I got more power than youll ever have and you paid how much for your GT? :laughing:

And how do you know that exactly? Bit touchy arent we?

Not really....just had a few bourbans waiting for state of origin to start and love a good blew...even if its on the internet :stirthepot: ...who gives a f*ck really I just dont see the point in doing up an xt for power when hes just gonna get smoked no matter what..just my opinion really...

ill shut up then......happy?

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Think ive found the reason most are finding this grill so hard to swallow, you've mounted the mesh too far from the original position, which gives the grill a more pronouced look. You need the depth for the front of the Falcon to work, even in XT form. See if you cant mount it deeper.

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  • Sucker
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No need to shut up, but no need to run other peoples cars down either, he would be as proud of his as you are of yours and I am of mine. :spoton:

He was giving his opinion you clown; why would anyone post like this if they were not expecting other's opinions?

Had he have asked for pictures of falconutebeast's bride-to-be then perhaps that'd be different.

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  • loitering with intent
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No need to shut up, but no need to run other peoples cars down either, he would be as proud of his as you are of yours and I am of mine. :laughing:

Had he have asked for pictures of falconutebeast's bride-to-be then perhaps that'd be different.

Where are they then


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One more point from a functional point of view.... That grill would reduce the airflow into the radiator considerably....

Would be interesting to see the temp gauge in summer... then again it is an XT and as such the engine isnt that highly stressed... towing would be another story altogether....



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