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Replacing With Custom Subs


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  • Member For: 19y 22d

Hey guys...

I just got my XR and I got a set of pioneer comp subs and wanna stick em in my boot

I got the premium sound but its just not doin it for me. so I spoke to the ford machanics and they reckon that I can't replace the pissy 150watt factory amp, as it is wired in with the ECU...

They said that seeing as its a 120 watt sound system I can only make it louder, the actual sound quality wont be effected.

Has anyone customised thier sound system.

Because the ford guys said to install the woofers anyway, and that hey will be able to run at max bass with no problem (derr)

so bassically does anyone know any different? or weather infact I can replace the factor amp with a good one?


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Couple of different options.

If you have an amp with high level inputs, you can run the factory subwoofer speaker leads to the amp and drive the aftermarket subs with it.

If your amp doesn't have high level inputs, you can run your factory subwoofer speaker leads into a line level converters then to your aftermarket amp, then to your aftermarket sub.

If you wanted to go the whole hog, ASL Logistics can install an RCA output on the rear of your ICC so you can output directly to an aftermarket amp which is driving your subs.


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try them. with this you are able to add an amplifier to your existing stereo through low level outputs or something.

im thinking of upgrading my stereo aswell and this looks like the best option

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I just added a 12in JL sub to mine... just take the wires off the orig sub and wire them straight to the new sub.

The JL sub made a huge difference to the systems sound, bass is now typical JL sounding bass, obviously not hitting huge dB's, but loud, high quality bass.

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I am adding a pioneer 12" sub and for the moment I will use the factory amp and make an adaptor plate to fire the sub through the existing factory mounting position . The 12 will move a lot more air than the 8 or 10 that is there now so will be louder hopefully enough if not there are some 15's in the shed.

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