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Tuners In Townsville?


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  • Member For: 18y 8m 21d
  • Location: Townsville

Hey guys,

Just wondering if any of the guys on the forum are from Townsville? And if so where did you get your mods, edit, tune etc done? I have been speaking to Peter at TMS and the guy really sounds like he knows what he's on about, just wanted to make sure im not missing any other tuners around here that maybe specialise with the T...? :sick:

So damn jealous of you guys down south with all the specialists and experts at your door steps! :spoton:


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  • Member For: 19y 5m 24d

You can tune by mail mate, get a dyno readout, send it and your flash box to a tuner of your choice, they do you a tune based on the dyno sheet, load it in your box and post it back and there ya' go.

Mod's, easy D.I.Y. saves heaps, leaves more for more mod's!

I'm from TSV, mod's by eBay mostly and self fitted.

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  • 2 years later...
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  • Member For: 16y 3m 19d
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This post is obviously a little bit late (2 years lol) but I thought I would throw this in just in case someone was looking around up there...

I'm not from Townsville, lived and worked there about 10 years ago though. When my brother worked at Supercheap Auto there he got to know Peter pretty well, showed me what he had done to his clubby and wrx, so I decided to make the drive up there and give him a go at my BA XR8 that I had at the time. He installed a full Di Filippo system to it (and I bet if you asked about the citric acid xr8 he put that on he might drop a few choice words...don't think he's keen to do it again lol), and dynotuned it with a capa flash tuner. He takes pride in his work and did a good job on my car.

I never got the typhoon to him though...as I heard from a few guys up there that he has been doing a few rush jobs, possibly from overbooking, and some people have had some complaints. However, from my personal experience, he seemed pretty good, and I might drop in with the new XR6T when I'm up there in a few weeks.

Aitkenvale Automotive is also meant to be pretty good at modding and tuning, but haven't heard any direct good or bad thing about them from anyone that has got anything done there.

Not sure about Timmy's Garage (I think that's what its called) but I'm pretty sure they deal mainly with Expensive Daewoo tuning.

The only other place I can think about would maybe be Bob Hawkins, might be worth checking him out aswell.

Good luck :)

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  • Member For: 17y 8m 14d
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  • Location: townsville

hey mate ,yeah I live in Townsville ,but I drive down to mackay to get my car tuned ,by dave ,or blueboost as everyone knows of him ,and it was worth the drive ,and im sure other ppl on this site wil tell you the same thing .top bloke ,no bullsh*t .you sit there with him while hes does hes thing ..

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  • Member For: 17y 5m 1d

hey im from the ville but I always take my car up to svs in cairns(its been there for over a month just waiting for my gearbox to come back now), they been doing fair abouts of work to T's latley but main reason is one of my school mates work there so he keeps me well informed. when I talked to peter about getting some small things done he did not sound to excited about doing the tuning side of things but I have been hearing of some good results from blueboost/dave might be very well worth the drive?

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  • Member For: 16y 9m 19d
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hey mate im from Hoonsville. I have been thinking of going and getting peter to do some work.

I have had a chat with him and as you said he does seam to know what he is talking about.

at the moment I am not looking to go crazy on my car but if I was going to put my money on the line id go blueboost because he is highly recommend and Hanra went from cairns to mackay just to get work done and that a fair drive.

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  • Member For: 21y 3m 26d
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  • Location: Townsville

Yep, Dave for the flash tuner is the man.

Peter from TMS is who I always saw with both my blown ba xr8 ute and xr6t for tuning and servicing but he does not have the Flash Tuner software so cant tune the fords. My ute had an RDP (tsi) piggy back fitted so he did the tuning on it and the turbo had the same until I went the flash tuner which only had a good generic safe tune from Dave.

He is however getting the VCM software for the Fords as he has done Expensive Daewoo VCM for years now and I believe it is just about here.

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