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Wheel Failure? 18"


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Mate you are a very lucky man.

And f*ck that dealer!! Damn right he should replace all four. With bloody GTP 19's!!

I'd go strait to ford australia with a f*cking soliciter!!!!

Edited by ntturbo
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I would have 4 new wheels already if it was still under warranty but it's not. By 2 months exactly when defect was noticed and 50,000k's under. That's why I'm going for the implied warranty option. Although, I'm sure this breakage was a little while in the making.

Second dealer was more helpfull and thorough yet no result.

I'm checking the warranty of the wheel manufacturer.

If that dosent help, I have to get my own tests done and wave the results in hand to ford.

Shall see how it goes.

Would be nice if someone from ford said wow! glad you noticed it when you did and lucky you didn't keep driving on it....

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That's a manufacturing fault - you could never break a spoke like that through road damage without destroying the rim first. Ford should give you a new wheel plus have the remaining wheels crack tested. I wonder how many other 18s have failed like that?

It's a really scary picture - I'll bet Ford would be prepared to do a lot to make sure that it doesn't get into the media.

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Not good mate...I have the same wheels on my car and I will be giving them a thorough check as well!!

Good luck with getting them replaced...that's the least Ford can do IMO.

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Yes id be concerned if one has done it that the other 3 will to as they would obviously be out of the same batch / production run.

Those rims are a tad over $600 to buy yourself and I personally wouldnt cop that, 2 months out of warranty they should be replace as its a safety concern.

Id be telling the dealer / Ford that if they dont replace it you will put the wheel back on and they can suffer the consequence if you have an accident and that your lawyer has been informed, even though you obviously wouldnt do this it could be the way to get them to replace it.

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Makes mental note to check rims in the morning, cause that is scary!

Email that piccy to A Current Affair mate! Tell Ford first what you are going to do, see if that makes them a little more concerned about your wheel.

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I would wonder why the dealer would care and just replace it under warranty.  It's funny that some dealers seem to act like they are paying for warranty out of their own pocket.

From the location of the crack, I agree with the rest of the forum in saying that it looks like a casting crack, and you are VERY lucky you spotted it before you were driving on 5 spokes into a wall.

I would tell the dealer it is under warranty and to shut the f..kup and give you some service

I wonder ZAP_F6 if the dealer replaces the wheel and Ford then denies the claim as such if that then leaves the dealer out of pocket and hence their reluctance to have anything to do with warranty in a case like this?

Cause I'm amazed how much I hear of warranty trouble on the forum.

I can understand in some instances they are not interested because for instance lets say your turbo shat itself and Ford allow 8 hours to do the job and the dealer knows his mechanics will take 2 days, he's lost a days pay on the job? You can understand him not being interested, but hardly any good to us.

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My main issue is with consistancy.

Why do some people with whine and clunk get 5 diffs replaced no questions asked, yet several of us just get the "normal" answer.

Another point is that people have had their wheels replaced due to the clearcost comming off....yet a big MOFO crack is denied ?

It would be nice to be able to know what is acceptable and what is not and not have to have a battle everytime we need something done.

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