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Big Vic Weekend Dyno Day


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Well boys it's a bit like this when I said I will organise a dyno day on the saturday of the Big Vic Weekend I mentioned either Nizpro or Hpf, as Hpf look after us last year I thought I would give them 1st option so I spoke to Rob(HPF) the next day and he said that he would be more than happy to host the day for us and the melb boys and he has since set aside the day and organised some of the quickest and most powerfull cars in melb to attend,since then and of 2 days ago Nizpro have moved there dyno day to coincide with the BVW aswell,which to me is a shame as it was meant to bring everyone from fordxr6turbo.com to get together

I dont know this can be sorted but I will be attending the HPF dyno day with the view to visiting Nizpro in the afternoon if time permits

CYA JEFF :spoton:

PS:I might see if Rob can bring the start time forward :spoton:

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I too will attend both events if at all possible and I will dust the cobb webs off the old girl and give her a shake down on both dynos.

I will even have a retune and tweak a few more hp out of her!

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Hopefully a suitable format can be arranged such that we can attend both events. I wouldn't mind going to both. I think doing so would be alot of fun !!!


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I'm up for both... what a shame they are both on the same day, hopefully something can be worked out.

Jack :spoton:

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  • Toughest BA Turbo
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Hopefully this can be sorted out.

I’m really only interested in the Ford T’s. Naturally my car will be debuting at Nizpro, and I will ask Simon to push as close to 600rwkw as he can possibly tune it.

It’s going to be a very long day doing both events, so I’d suggest that we get some organizing done of who’s running at what times if we are going to do both places.

Ideally we don’t want to split the group.

I’ll contact Simon and Dave at Nizpro to get their thoughts.


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  • Member of team Kittens
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Some thoughts:

Nizpro have been starting there dyno days at 9, hpf are looking to start at 10.30 - lets see if we can get each shop to move by half an hour viz...

Nizpro kick off at 8 or 8.30 - I have spoken with Dave at Nizpro, and they are happy to accommodate whatever works for the group – I am thinking that rather than a lunch time BBQ, we get them to put on some bacon, sausages and eggs for breakfast – I am happy to cook (just means I get the best bits of bacon)! :blush:

Hpf kick off at 11 - I have asked Rob at hpf about this, and he is looking into it (clearly they are also launching the new workshop so a big event for them, and lots of organising)


It should be possible to get a minimum of 6 cars an hour on the dyno, so that means 12 – 15 cars should be able to run at Nizzers at a minimum, and leave to still make the start of the hpf day. :spoton:

Basically to get this working I think we need to get a few of the guys from hpf to support the show at nizpro, and some of the nizpro guys to support hpf - the rest can spectate and enjoy the show! :msm:

To get the ball rolling towards a happy resolution, I thought I would suggested a program for discussion - clearly this is just my thoughts, and I have not discussed this with any of the relevant drivers/owners as to whether or not they agree, or would like to run at both but...

8.30 am - kick off at Nizpro (if we have enough interest – kick off at 8.00am)

Cars to run

8.30 Start with some of the "hpf", interstate and “non-affiliated” guys such as:

8.40 geea? Goldbullet? DBoss? FpvT6?

8.50 Buf-hoon? Mr Turbo? Xrdreaming? Nabeal?

9.00 Flukeyluke? Laurie? Saleen?

9.10 Link? Max Power? EnvyT?

9.20 Blonk? fill? Sutty? Frank?

9.30 then some of the Nizpro guys - Deek?

9.40 Adam?

9.50 XR6T8_U?

10.00 xlint?

10.10 Phils 6?

10.20 Gogo!!!

10.30 BCL's 600rwkw beast!!!!!!! :blink:

10.40+ others who want to run such as the mad hi-ace etc – finish about 11.30 – 12 depend on how many cars are to run!

I have picked out names from the BVWII, plus Robin and Phil who are currently fighting it out for the open class at the nizpro shootout. That gives between 6 and 9 spots for the hpf/interstate guys dependant on who else wants to run.

Then those that want to be at the opening of the new hpf workshop can leave and join the start of those festivities.

The “Nizpro” guys come down a little later or as they like...

Then we do it all again

So at hpf – clearly this is up to them but:

11.00 start with some of the cars that didn’t go to Nizpro, as well as perhaps some of the monsters indicated such as Tryhard - winner of Summernats Horsepower hero 2006, Gary Popes SS - 2nd at Summernats 2006, Nathan Higgans Ute, and other non-fords, then get into the fords

12.00 - 12.30 the remainder of the “Nizpro” crew arrive

if all the BVWII guys run that is about 18 cars.

13.00 or later gogo, xlint, deek?, XR6T8U?, Phils 6?, and bcl? along with the guys who also ran at Nizzers, and the balance of the hpf and BVWII crew.

I don’t want to presume too much, so perhaps Dboss, and geea in consultation with hpf and develop the hpf side a little more.

I believe this can work, and would be a great day! :spoton::spit:

Breaky at Nizzers, Lunch at hpf, and heaps of awesome cars!

What do people think?



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  • Member of team Kittens
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Does that mean us stock T carn't come and dyno as well or we can???  :spoton: 

I'll come down anyway to watch the big boyz show there Monsters lol should be a

good day either way if Nizpro or HP-F have it, be better if both are on. :spoton:

No - all welcome to both events I am sure!

I guess the key is identifying who wants to get to both, and simply managing the timing on the dyno at each location to facilitate this!



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  • Member of team Kittens
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Well boys it's a bit like this when I said I will organise a  dyno day on the saturday of the Big Vic Weekend I mentioned either Nizpro or Hpf, as Hpf look after us last year I thought I would give them 1st option so I spoke to Rob(HPF) the next day and he said that he would be more than happy to host the day for us and the melb boys and he has since set aside the day and organised some of the quickest and most powerfull cars in melb to attend,since then and of 2 days ago Nizpro have moved there dyno day to coincide with the BVW aswell,which to me is a shame as it was meant to bring everyone from fordxr6turbo.com to get together

I dont know this can be sorted but I will be attending the  HPF dyno day with the view to visiting Nizpro in the afternoon if time permits

CYA JEFF :spoton:

PS:I might see if Rob can bring the start time forward :spit:


my understanding is that Nizpro only moved their dyno day to try and assist and support the BVW - not to creat any division in the ranks. I do beleive that this can work and work well!!!! :blush:

I for one would love to get down to hpf, and support the launch of the new workshop and participate at both workshops.

cheers! :blink:


President of the "Breaky at Nizzers, Lunch at hpf campaign!" :spoton:

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  • Cruise Whore
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I was wondering if someone could summarise the times of events? Also, where they will be held and what the costs are to watch and to participate? Also, if you do participate, do you need to bring or do anything special (book in, forms to sign, etc.)?


HPF xx:xxam at address costs $ to watch and $ to participate and bring/do xxx if you want to participate

Nizpro xx:xxpm at addresss costs $ to watch and $ to participate and bring/do xxx if you want to participate.


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