chipa_12 Member 182 Member For: 19y 1m 4d Location: Canberra Posted 28/04/06 12:02 AM Share Posted 28/04/06 12:02 AM So I am at a traffic light waiting for my little green arrow to appear so I can turn, right with a car next to me, also turning ... Green light goes and I start to go and then I look up to my left and see this big garbage truck (the ones that pick up the big metal hoppers..) come straight through the intersection...obvious that he went straight through a red light...I noticed him and slowed right down and let him pass , but the car next to me.. didnt and he went and finnally noticed him, and seriously with about 2 metres to spare managed to stop while the garbage truck speed through... I thought what a DIC#H#$D and proceed to drive.. when me and the other car , managed to catch up to the garbage truck at the next traffic light, the Garbage truck driver, starts abusing the out of the driver of the car that nearly got hit... I thought you w@Nker ... you nearly took both of us out cause you went through a red light and now you are abusing people for being in 'your way'... anyways, so I forgot about it kept driving , got on the parkway heading for work, I am on the right lane , speeding up to get to 100km (speed limit) no one in front of me, when this piece of camry just jumps into my lane in front of me, no indicator and just sits at 85 km.. I had to slam brakes on... and I tried to give him the benefit of the doubt... maybe he didnt see me.. easy mistake... so I sat behind him for a while, waiting for him to get back into his lane after he overtook a couple of people,.. .. so I forgot about it and then realised that there was now, no one in front of him on the right lane and no in front on the left lane, but he was still sitting in the right lane, doing about 90km still... So I thought fine, I dont like to overtake people on the left lane, but I was late for work and there was no one there and he obviously wasnt going to get in the left lane so I went in the left lane.. overtook him it was fine.. forgot about it... At the end of the parkway, the left lane exits, and right lanes keeps going straight ... the left lane usually backs up a little while people slow down to exit so I slow down and then I look to my right and this car that was on the right lane starts to get into my lane, only this time, I am pretty much next to him and he is about half a metre away from me, so I beep my horn and the car realises and backs of eventually pulls in behind me.. I look in my rear view mirror and its the same camry... I shook my head in disbelief that the same guy nearly hit me twice on the same trip both times while changing lanes... and then I remembered the garbage truck as well, so I am shaking my head and I turn off to exit and this camry pulls up next to me while I am turning off and this guy gives me the finger..... I thought you Fricking W@N#$R you nearly hit me twice and you are now abusing me... anyways rant over, I just wish sometimes like the title says that I was a copper for a day ... just to give out tickets to drivers.. Driver: What did I do wrong officer?Me: What didnt you do wrong KN#BH@#D .. Ticket for you being a driver.. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ZAP No boost, no bottle, just my foot on the throttle! Lifetime Members 7,935 Member For: 21y 1m Gender: Male Location: Sydney Posted 28/04/06 12:12 AM Share Posted 28/04/06 12:12 AM Sometime I wished we could shoot at bad drivers. Then when you saw a car with lots of holes, you can expect they will be bad and be prepared.The RTA should have a dob in a dumbf..k hotline to call in bad drivers. 3 call against your car and you will need to resit your driving test. 5 in a year and you are shot Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
JimmyXR6T04 Member 1,299 Member For: 19y 8m 22d Location: Canberra Posted 28/04/06 12:13 AM Share Posted 28/04/06 12:13 AM that's canberra drivers for you mate... not always... but I've had some real bad experiences with drivers here. Lived here all my life, and I'm used to the arrogance. On average (when driving the T) I will overtake in the left lane at least once every trip!! people just don't care. they happily sit in the right hand lane doing 10-15km under the limit. Then when I knock it back a gear and smash past them, they wonder who the this idiot is. I'm a very patient driver when it comes to learners, elderly, and if the other driver is doing the right thing. But as soon as they sit in that right hand lane, with no one in front, and block both lanes that really pisses me off!!People don't look, they don't assess the up coming situation. Just pure bad drivers. I'm not a great driver in terms of being able to control the car with powerslides etc etc, but I am a good driver in terms of my observation and being able to read the traffic. I hate it, when I am behind a car approaching a round-about and I've already looked ahead and there is nothing for miles.... yet they slow and almost stop! WTF... open your eyes, and look ahead, not just look at the last 10m of your approach! Also, hate the people that don't know the indicator rules when approaching and exiting a round-about... I see all kinds of signals. Most of them confusing. Eg, people indicating to turn right, then going straight. (they think that that is how you exit the intersection... um no wa*ker, you indicate left on exit I feel your frustrations chipa.. unfortunately the ease of being given a licence means you will always have on the road. Particularly when you can get an AUSTRALIAN state issued drivers licence and not know how to speak english!!! they provide translators these days... Good luck to those people when they approach a sign saying "wrong way go back" Rant over! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
wicksy still kicking around Member 1,789 Member For: 21y 11m 20d Gender: Male Location: Mackay Posted 28/04/06 12:24 AM Share Posted 28/04/06 12:24 AM u want bad drivers come to emerald there are everyone and it always seems to be people in little 4cylinders too, I agree with zap they need a billboard"IS SOMEONES DRIVING UP TO sh*t DOB THEM INTO 1800DUMBFUK Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
FANTASY Member 24 Member For: 18y 11m 13d Location: Canberra/North Cooma Posted 28/04/06 01:13 AM Share Posted 28/04/06 01:13 AM Ahhh Canberra drivers..luv em.I give up arguing with them.I hear ya Jimmy, I had to overtake twice yesterday in the left lane and on Chipa's favourite piece of road (the parkway).Bob Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest Guests Posted 28/04/06 01:40 AM Share Posted 28/04/06 01:40 AM Bad F@#king Drivers!Whos tried to negotiate their way through any part of Sydney at any given time of the day? Seems as though its forever a mix of; 1 Those that can't merge into the flow of traffic, 2. Those that won't let others merge into the flow of traffic3. Buses that insist they own the road, from pulling out or lane changing carelessly to trying to over take another bus in a lane that's barely wide enough for two small sedans.4. Cabbies that pull up smack bang in the middle of the road and hit their hazard lights whilst waiting for a fare, causing vehicles behind them to squeeze past into the opposite lane facing on coming vehicles5. This is my favourite. Pedestrians that walk where they aren't supposed to, and quickly dart across when the pedestrian traffic indicator is flashing red (or even whens it fixed on red) indicating "don't walk". They see it fit to hurl abuse or lay boot into you grille because the driver (and those behind), that now has right of way, has been forced to slow or stop, resulting in a nudge of the horn or has just simply scared the little What I'd give to be a HWY Patrol officer in an unmarked XR6T, I honestly think that with the infringements that could be written in in a shift due to idiot drivers, there would be no need for speed cameras!Darren Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Schmooth Member 105 Member For: 19y 3m 15d Location: Canberra Posted 28/04/06 01:58 AM Share Posted 28/04/06 01:58 AM You should try riding a motorbike to work everyday in Canberra (missus gets the T)!And Jimmy, like you with your driving, I'm (probably) technically a crap bike rider, but I'm sh!t hot at reading traffic! And combined with a healthy sense of paranoia, I've kept upright for a long time now. And I don't mind giving it a bit of stick now then; the Parkway is great for a squirt - except for the right lane hogs I have to negotiate every day.ZAP_F6's idea of a hotline is a bloody good one! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
chipa_12 Member 182 Member For: 19y 1m 4d Location: Canberra Posted 28/04/06 02:23 AM Author Share Posted 28/04/06 02:23 AM I feel for bike riders.. You have to know what everyone else is doing too...I guess all us Canberra Drivers should be used to it by now, but I think 3 times just on the way to work (25 minute trip) is a bit much... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
tab Sucker Moderating Team 32,303 Member For: 20y 10m 17d Gender: Male Location: Brisbane Posted 28/04/06 02:49 AM Share Posted 28/04/06 02:49 AM Well it's refreshing to know that all the incompetant drivers aren't confined to Brisbane roads!I'd have 1800DUMBFUK on speed dial if it existed. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
harvyk Member 1,070 Member For: 20y 13d Location: The North Cooma End of Canberra... Posted 28/04/06 02:55 AM Share Posted 28/04/06 02:55 AM I sware the parkway is probably one of the worst roads in aust when it comes to d*cks who sit in the right hand lane. I do most of my overtaking in the left hand lane on the parkway because it's easier... I've also noticed that it doesn't matter if it is day or night busy or deserted, there will always be more people in the right hand lane than left...(Oh no, there is a truck 5 km ahead, better get into the right lane to overtake it, I don't care that I'm doing 5 k's less than the truck)BTW I think we should start a petition to get 1800DUMBFUK as an official RTA number... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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