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Think I Got Screwed


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If you want to get a good deal you will have to sell privately.  The worst price u will get is on a trade-in.  Not sure why youre angry at the dealer, they are merely responding to market forces old chap.

I can understand your annoyance but the market determines the price of stuff.

What a load of BS :diggit:

Ford and the dealers are VERY MUCH responsible for the trade in prices, as they dump end of model runs and demos on to the market at significant discounts, causing a drop in the value of everyones cars.

Sure a few people pick up great deals on these run out model offers, with low prices and cash back offers, but it does nothing to retain value for existing customers :fool:

Of course they drop prices as a model reaches the end of its life...because people wont pay full price if they wait a little while knowing they can get the latest model. Run out offers are a fact of life that we cant avoid.

wrx's hold their value because subaru do not drop prices by huge margins even for end of model run outs... that's where ford faarks up!! they do, and in the end we suffer!!

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Mate forget the trade in price, the change over price is all you should be concerned about. What will it cost you to get into the new car on the road. Have a price in your head and keep it to yourself and see how you go. After all even though it may not seem so it is in Fords interest to keep you buying Fords.

Also shop around at different car yards and at different times. I am not full bottle but different times of the month and yrear will greatly impact on the abilty of doing you a better deal.


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If you are concerneed about resale dont buy a Ford, as much as it pains me to say it, you will always be on a losing thing come offload time :blink: Ford is driven by volume and will give whatever discounts, incentives etc that are needed to move cars, resale will always be poor while this is their approach. No reason to think its going to change. With petrol at $1.40, the aussie dollar looking shaky and potentially going south all it would take is the seppos to have a go at Iran and we could easily see $2.00 petrol. Falcons will then be almost unsaleable.


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Seems a popular sentiment that people are cheesed off with Ford for discounting their cars?!?


Everyone KNOWS they discount their cars and if you don't take that into consideration when negotiating a purchase price you're either too loaded to care or an iiiidiot. I don't mean to offend anyone, but who walks into a car yard and slaps down the full RRP? Or even the first discount offer for that matter?

Before you buy do the research, know the market price and discounts and never, ever, pay full price. Especially for a Ford or Holden...

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I agree bend that salesman over and scr/w him hard.

I had a na ba 2003 4 weeks ago and got 24k and 3000 cash back.

also got a perfered payout figure they wiped out 5000 debt becaust they say im a good customer.

im so happy with my brand new car still smiling.

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Just sell it privately!

The dealer will only give a good trade in if there is plenty of fat in the sale of the new car!

You could shop around, another dealer may give you a better deal, but bullsh*t a little with the deal you've already been offered!


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Also shop around at different car yards and at different times. I am not full bottle but different times of the month and yrear will greatly impact on the abilty of doing you a better deal.

I couldn't agree more, wait till the end of the month when the yards/salesmen are trying to reach their sales quotas and its amazing what they will do. Be prepared to say that's its not good enough and head for the door, they will do anything to try keep you there.

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  • Member For: 21y 25d
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If you want to get a good deal you will have to sell privately.  The worst price u will get is on a trade-in.  Not sure why youre angry at the dealer, they are merely responding to market forces old chap.

I can understand your annoyance but the market determines the price of stuff.

Yep you're right. I was still sething but now that I've had a Bex and a lie down, I realise I was only venting. Redbook is between 17-19,000, so it looks like a private sale. Sorry for sounding like a spoilt brat but I expected a little more for such a good make of car :P:P

I've been there too brutha!

I'll be keeping my T for a long time, sure I'll get a newer car in a few years but I'm happy for this one to share the garage with the new one. A gut feeling tells me if we still have Premium Unleaded at the bowsers in 20 years time, a low mileage T of the original model will be worth a small fortune. Probably because you'll only be able to afford to put the fuel in it for special occasions. :spoton: Other than that I think the T's are the best Ford innovation since the HO. Hmmmm here comes the :spoton:

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