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Fuel Prices Could Hit $3 A Litre Next Year


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  • Member For: 19y 11m 25d
  • Location: The North Cooma End of Canberra...

Utter rubbish.  The net cost of fuel to the consumer has doubled in the last three years and driving habits have hardly changed at all.  The general public and comics like the Courier Mail and the like are full of wind and never follow up their whinging with action. 

This is more than a little surprising when you think that someone doing 20, 000km/year in a car that consumes on average 12l/100km would need to find another $75/fortnight in after tax dollars to fund the additional costs of that mileage if the price for fuel rose to $2/litre....which incidentally is what many of the oh so health conscious yuppies will willingly spend on bottled water for fear of dehydrating between the car park and the office!



When petrol hit 90c per litre everyone was say OMG, can't afford to drive, but sure enough they started driving again, it then hit the $1 mark, same deal they stopped driving for a little while but started up again, and the same happened when it started hitting the current records ($1.20 to $1.40) they vowed they'd never drive again whilst petrol was so much, but they started up again.

The media loves stories on hardships and how family's aren't coping. In reality whilst it is making life harder the news pointed out that it is only really an extra $15 to $20 per week for an average sized car. Please have given up other small things (such as an extra round at the pub) rather than stop driving.

Also if your that stretched out that you can't afford an extra $15 per week you really need to look at your financial position and find out why you can't afford it. As you could be hit with something much more major (and long term) than a petrol price increase in the future... (eg a rent increase \ interest rate rise etc...)

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  • Member For: 18y 9m 24d
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in california its already $2 a gallon and they think that that's crazy....just they wait! does this mean electric n hybrid cars will be out future???

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  • Flaccid Member
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  • Location: NOONAMAH, go figure.....

If the price gets to high, alternatives will become economic, this although in the short term is painful, in the long run is a good thing. Lets modify our cars to run on ethanol...Canola oil etc...sooner or later the Oil price will will reach a point where these fuels be come viable alternatives.

Sure it sucks now BUT, once the conversion to alternatives happens, people won't be rushing back to Oil if the price drops off...We can then get the heck out of the middle east and without the oil dollars they can revert to living in tents and shooting each other with flintlock rifles.

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Yes alternative fuels will become a more viable option. Maybe petrol hitting $3 will be the catalyst needed to seen us off oil and long term could be a great thing for the environment?

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I have heard that there are several technologies that will be released if the price of oil goes over $75 a barrel

Apparently several companies have technologies that will make the middel east revert back to wars and sand castles.

As for people not being able to afford to drive, I am sure that the hard done by people could give up the ciggies and booze for one day to be able to afford to buy fuel.

It is funny when you see the hard luck stories about the single mum with no job and 5 kids go on about the rising cost of fuel, yet there is the bulk pack of Holiday 50's on the table that is always affordable at $15 per pack...PER DAY.

With modding our cars for other fuels, you will find that a conversion would cost several thousand dollars, this woul take years to pay off on the savings.

The scary thing about oil is that there is only 20 years left at projected consumption, so I can assure you the price will not be going down in the future.

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Spoton Zap,

You read and hear all this crap in the papers about how many families are going to be affected by the increase of fuel prices but at the end of the day any family that budgets their money won't be in the gutter overnight, people just have to balance their cash resources, if it means giving up something else then so sad, we all give up things we love to waste money on in life to survive.

People have to understand the cost of living is goiing to go up, sometimes I think we are too spoilt in the resources we have these days, and some people think they can abuse the f*ck out of the system and not work towards gaining these rights.

Im not too concerned about fuel prices, as I said earlier if they get that expensive that its going to cost over 120 bucks to fill a falcon then ill go buy LPG and hope the same doesnt happen to it overnight.

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  • Member For: 19y 11m 25d
  • Location: The North Cooma End of Canberra...

I wouldn't count on seeing any of the alternate techs getting out and about anytime soon. "From what I have heard" Oil companies have brought most of the alternate fuels technology and have put a stranglehold on it's development. This means that whilst they will be released over time, it will not be any time soon, and I'd bet that we'd be on the verge of running out of fuels before any real money gets invested in the serious fuel alternates.

PS In a few years time we'll be looking back and saying wow only $3 a litre, that was cheap :gooff:

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  • Flaccid Member
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  • Location: NOONAMAH, go figure.....

The scary thing about oil is that there is only 20 years left at projected consumption, so I can assure you the price will not be going down in the future.

Nah, That's not true,

as the price goes up resources that were previously uneconomic to extract become economic.

There's been less than 20 years production ahead for the last 30 years but we haven't run out yet.

Same as Gold, I've never worked at a mine with more that 2 years production up it's sleve, but every mine I've ever worked at is still open.....

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