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Strange Feeling In Car (feels Like Engine Braking)


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  • Member For: 19y 6m 30d
  • Location: Canberra

hey guys,

Although I'm still waiting for Simon to finish my tune, I've got his previous tune in there at the moment. Anyways, I've noticed something when cruising, and not belting it. First off, when I put the foot flat I dont notice anything, except for how much I get shoved into my seat :spoton:

However, lately, while cruising, (using half and quarter throttle) when the revs get up around 2500 to 2700 it feels as though the car has a slight engine deceleration period. Its only very very minor, and I dont think a passenger would even notice, however when driving its noticable. The only way I can describe the feeling is if you starting pushing the accelerator and then back off and engine braking occurs, however its not as a extreme as engine braking.

Its only very slight, but that's the best way I can describe it... almost as if I have backed off the throttle a little... which I havent. so it feels as though I am backing off throttle even though I am pushing it. But even when in this stage, if I put the foot flat or bring on boost it goes away. It usually happens when the boost gauge is still in the vacuum side of things, and is getting really close to 0psi .

Could it just be the ecu adjusting some settings on the car, preparing it for the abuse it'll cop if I mash the peddle??? I haven't called Simon about it, as I dont think its a tune/edit related problem. So I thought I'd get other peoples opinions first!! And then I can try and figure it out. Its not a major thing, just felt weird the first time it happened.


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I sent him a pm so he knows about the post, just so he can add anything if he needs too. Didn't wanna ring him yet, as it'll still be 7am or something over there :spoton: he might not appreciate that!!

you could be right, but I dunno... the car goes great, there were no inconsistencies on the dyno, no flat spots etc... so that's why I didnt think it was tune related.. I will see what Simon says when he has the chance.

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  • Member For: 19y 6m 30d
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to tell you the truth Simon, I dont know mate. My previous driving style meant that I usually shifted before 2500 (usually 2000-2200) when I was putting around. On advice from Ben at mal woods I have started to shift with revs a little higher so that I ensure the car never has to labour.

Its only been since the latest mods that I have started shifting with revs higher, so this is when I noticed it.

I just took it for a drive, and it did it on a couple of occasions shifting from 2nd the 3rd. I didnt notice it when shifting 3rd to 4th, or 1st to 2nd.

It didnt do it on all the shifts though...

I'm going to take the car for a drive with the wide band attached to the exhaust either later on today, or on monday (I work night shift tonight and tomorrow night, so I need some sleep :spoton: )

its got me baffled... I tested my theory on my body anticipating a gear change and me subconciously lifting my foot slightly off the accelerator... but even when I made a concious effort to keep the foot down, it still did it once.

Only other thing I can think of is... the thermo fans causing a slight drop in power? I noticed on the dyno graph that when the fans came on there was a slight drop, and even at night when they come on the headlights dip slightly. Do you think that this has anything to do with it??? I know the fans come on earlier to help keep the car running cooler, fans come on when the temp gauge hits just over a quarter. Although, in saying this, I'm pretty sure I still felt the sensation even with the fans on...

As I said, its not always... could it be a TPS problem?? and its not very noticeable either... I doubt a passenger would feel it... its sort of like when you put air con on, and passengers cant tell the difference, but the driver can... probably not even as noticable as air con being switched on! that's how small the variation feels... makes me wonder if I am imagining it!! :spoton:

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