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Turbo Noise


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mine used to wistle louder, (more of a shriek actually)than usual when it was cold, found out the turbo was loose on the manifold and had a boost leak, this went away as the turbo heated up and the metal expanded

What built2redline has said makes more sense than that's just the way it is... I suspected that it could be something loose and the normal turbo sound is resonating through a loose fitting part like the intake or exhaust manifold, but at a glance they all seem to be secure. When I have listened to it today it is more a chirping over top of the normal whistle sound a turbo makes. The turbo is on boost and you feather the accelerator more or less the chirping gets louder where as the whistle is consistent. The sound I have is not steady nor consistient and it does subside once the engine and turbo warm up which may indicate that it a gap that is being filled by expansion from the parts heating up...or the compressor blades are hitting the compressor housing?

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Your turbo will always be louder with the AC on both during acceleration and decerleration. Probably something to do with where the turbo is bolted to the manifold or something. Take it to ford!!!!

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  • Cruise Whore
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Mine doesn't whistle and it was one of the first BF's off the assembly line in 2005. Had it for about 5 months now and no whistle that I've noticed from sitting inside the car, even under heavy acceleration.

A workmate said his T whistled, but I never really got to listen to his whistle much and I got the impression it only whistled for him on heavy acceleration.

In my opinon, I think the whistle may be a sign that something is loose and ought to be attended to.

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  • Silver Donating Members
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Mine doesn't whistle and it was one of the first BF's off the assembly line in 2005.  Had it for about 5 months now and no whistle that I've noticed from sitting inside the car, even under heavy acceleration.

A workmate said his T whistled, but I never really got to listen to his whistle much and I got the impression it only whistled for him on heavy acceleration.

In my opinon, I think the whistle may be a sign that something is loose and ought to be attended to.

A big change fron the BA to BF was in cabin noise reduction!! Even the roof has more sound proofing!!

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funny you should say that. I happen to think that my BA is quite noisy. I put it down to tyres on road noise, slightly annoying but tolerable. I've got to say I expected it should have been quiter when I brought it though.

The "handbrake" doesn't notice a thing, she hated the noise that came from the 8 in my old SS. Took me quite awhile to appreciate the complicated sound of the T's, but I like it now. I wonder what all the fuss is about when my mates go on about the sound of 8's. Most of which don't or have never owned one. :sofa:

Edited by Mercury Silver
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  • Member For: 18y 10m 14d

Hi guys new to this site - I have purchased a new BF XR6T and collected it yesterday

whilst driving around I put my foot down a-bit and could hear the turbo whistle, later on I over took a car and put my foot down and could hear the whistle and then pop and a backfire and loss of power and m.I.L light appeared,took it back to dealer,this morning and a pipe had come off ? anyway drivin this arvo put my foot down and it goes but cant hear the turbo is this normal I thought you should be able t hear some turbo whistle ? :laughing:


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Mate u said it happens when cold I reckon its the drive belt this happens to heaps of BA sixes N/A and T it also happens to a mates t when cold apparently the pulley system isnt 100% lined up and until warm the belt sqeals slightly.....check your tensioner it probly has little rubber belt shavings on it and it will be worse withthe aircon on as there is more load on the belt due to the compressor

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  • Member For: 19y 7m 21d
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My T also sounds weird when it's cold. The turbo won't whistle. it's more like a scraping noise or a rush of air. As the car warms up, the sound disappears and is replaced by a normal turbo whistle.

I've checked all hose and clamps, they are fine. It seems that that as heat builds up and something expands which makes the sound change!

Any suggestions?

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