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Bent Rods..


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Well heard from ford Yesterday they are going to replace.. the Engine with new one ... Thnak god....

They have also located and sorted a loan car for me from hertz...

So I think they have done their job correctly and I cant knock them really...

The dealer had to send photos of the bent rods and detials of service and computer stats to ford to finish the process once they did this ford got back to them with three hours...

I have to take back some of the bad things I said now...


Ask them if you can get a copy of the photos emailed to you, I'm keen to see the extent of the damage.

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that's great news mate.

You should be relieved!!!

Ask your Ford dealer what actualy caused the problem.

Chances are they will blame it on a faulty acuator.

As this is one of their standard responses to a bent rod.

All the best with it

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... although it was  bit overdue for the last service... by 8000kays or something...


Quick question, how long does it take you to rack up 8000 kms? If you are only doing around town driving, with little country trips, I'm thinking around 4 months.

If that's the case, then I am totally amazed that Ford are covering it under warranty. Dont get me wrong - it's all good for you. I am just totally amazed.

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I know a 260 5.4 that threw a rod/piston? Dont know the full details but apparently it screwed the block. Ford can detect the number of times you hit 5000rpm, so unless your stupid they will fit the problem. I had a new engine under warranty due to oil consumption. Like any car some experience problems but you dont hear of many.


Doesent the 5.4 make 260 kw @ 5250rpm so the motor sould be able to go beyond 5000rpm with out doing any damage and isn't that what the rev limiters job is to stop the motor over reving and doing some serious damage I.e.putting a leg outa bed.I ask this cause I'm consently got the tacho needle north of 5000rpm and a bit worryed if anything goes bang they(ford) will say"Sorry but your motor has reached and/or gone beyond 5000rpm to many times".

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I know a 260 5.4 that threw a rod/piston? Dont know the full details but apparently it screwed the block. Ford can detect the number of times you hit 5000rpm, so unless your stupid they will fit the problem. I had a new engine under warranty due to oil consumption. Like any car some experience problems but you dont hear of many.

Doesent the 5.4 make 260 kw @ 5250rpm so the motor sould be able to go beyond 5000rpm with out doing any damage and isn't that what the rev limiters job is to stop the motor over reving and doing some serious damage I.e.putting a leg outa bed.I ask this cause I'm consently got the tacho needle north of 5000rpm and a bit worryed if anything goes bang they(ford) will say"Sorry but your motor has reached and/or gone beyond 5000rpm to many times".

I would like to know if IH8TOADS has any evidence to back this up. There is nothing like this that can be logged on the cars and looked at by the dealers at least. Why would ford want to know that any way, that's why the cars have rev limiters. Sounds like crap to me.

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It is for this exact reason that I don't wind my windows all the way up. God forbid should I hit the window stop at the top of the door too often! :pinch: Sheesh.......

There is a rev limiter fitted...., the operating range of the engine is noted in the user handbook. Use the engine within that range and you should be fine unless you are being a tool. Any court would throw MOFOCO out of court if they tried to deny you a warranty claim and you were operating the car within its stated design limits. Look at Sixfan and the number of turbos he has had replaced under warranty. He is operating the car at the upper end of its limits, but he is within the stated limits, therefore, MOFOCO honour his claim.

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Rev limiter - every time the rev limiter is activated the code is recorded on the computer.Ford can tell how many times car has hit the rev limiter. This means nothing though as the rev limiters purpose is to safeguard the car.

Another log the computer records is "overboost".Computer will record code when turbo overboosts,but this log can be activated with the slightest overboost.Eg) even half a pound over it will log it.This proves nothing to Ford as most cars were prone to boost spike anyway and also the computer doesnt record boost levels.

So Ford wouldnt be able to tell whether the car over boosted by 0.5 psi or 10 psi.

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