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I was filling up the work car the other day at Mobil and read a bit of info on their E10. They said its a higher octain than their stanard unleaded. Interesting.

I use United fuel all the time their plus 95 and their boost 98. I have never had a problem on it at all. I has never pinged and I have a custom tune

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I run Boost98 in my ute 90% of the time and I have no issues with it!

when I put normal 98's back in such as BP and Mobil I dont notice much of a difference, IF ANYTHING it actually goes a bee's dick harder on the United 98.

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Doesn't matter what octane it is, E10 simply means the fuel contains up to 10% Ethanol.

So if it's a 91RON fuel and marked E10 it'll have 10% Ethanol. ie, Boost 98 is marked E10, so it contains up to 10% Ethanol and is a 98 octane. Some fuels do, some don't. United increase the octane rating of their fuel with ethanol, so with thier 95 octane for instance, it would only be say 90 or 93 or so and with their addition of ethanol in the mix, they get it up to 95. Hope that makes sense????

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Tom I am pretty sure that most people who run E10 use the Boost 98 from united.

I just tried a tank of the Boost 98. Seemed OK but it delievered poorer fuel economy and I did get ping under WOT. Having said that I did just get a tune on a hot 35c day, and it was a cold night when I got the ping so it may not be the fuel.

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  • 1 year later...
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Could not believe the argument I got into today.

My BA XR6 Turbo I run on RON98.

The argument I had the today was from a friend who runs his FG XR6 Turbo only on E10. His argument is that his engine it rated at 270KW and mine only at 240KW. To that I suggested that on E10 he would be lucky to make 240KW.

I can't see why on earth you would buy a Turbo just so as to run it on E10.

But Ford do mention in the manual that it will run on 91 or higher (at what power).

Anyone care to guess what sort of KW loss there would be on E10?

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In theory you are both correct, ethanol is a wonderful fuel with a high octane rating and is often used to bump up the octane rating of a fuel but a 91 ron fuel, containing ethanol or not, is still a 91 ron fuel. If they took regular 91 ron fuel and then added ethanol it would probably go close to being an equal match but they are using fuel with less than 91 ron and using the ethanol to bump up the octane rating to 91 ron. The ethanol will have a good effect on the engine but 91 is 91 no matter which way you look at it.

Your mate is correct in theory but wrong in the real world.

You are the winner please never let him forget it ;)

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Ethanol is available in different RON, not 91 in Victoria though, we did some E10 testing and found..

What RON?

The Fuel we used in our test was Shell E10, Shell indicates that this is a 94 RON Fuel. Liberty Fuels also specify a 94 RON Rating whilst United indicate that their E10 is 95 RON. 98 Ron E10 is also available but I cant recall where, and shell 100 RON contains ethanol. Ron doesn't increase power anyway, it allows for a different ignition circumstances which mean you can make an engine more efficient with a higher RON (generally)

Energy Content

We found that E10 fuel had a 3.4% less energy than pure petrol. so you would expect 3.4% less energy and power in a perfect world but there are too many factors that come into play to draw that conclusion with any accuracy.

I reckon that its silly to run it on E10 but there is nothing to say he shouldn't... except for the government durability testing, that is available somewhere on the web, it wears out engines alot quicker than normal petrol, mainly because it burns hotter and seems to damage exhaust valves, rings, and catalytic converters, turbos I haven't seen tests for.

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  • 4 months later...
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Hi Guys,

The lower energy content of E10 means that you will USE MORE FUEL. Given that its cheaper price is the main reason people buy E10, the fact that you WILL burn more fuel reduces the price benefit at the petrol pumps. The claim that it's not as kind to engines also worries me.

You've probably noticed that Oil Co's have jacked up the price of 98 RON to around 20 cpl more than 91 RON. With high output engines such as the XR6T, the 3.0L SIDI and the rumoured 3 cyl turbo Falcon (all cars that will use less high octane fuel than 91 RON fuel), the Oil Co's are working against the Fed Govt's carbon reduction agenda.

98 RON is bought by enthusiasts. Would the Oil Co's take advantage of that? You can answer that question yourselves. The the dirty bathplugs push too much futher, it will be cheaper to buy a bottle of octane booster.


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