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I use 98E10 fuel everyday and I have to say my car runs much better on E10 then it does on PB or Mobile 98... reason I want to add Octane Booster for track days is because I race my Xr8 like no tomorrow.. temp get very hot and since it is tuned to 98 only I would like to take the precaution of using a top quality octane booster to prevent pinging if it may occur when the engine temps get hotter then usual.... I It just a precautionary, But I want the best that is available....

But my main concern is will Octane Booster react to the ethanol and cause a fuel line blockage....

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hey guys how about you just go to a shell petrol station and get V Power Racing fuel its 100 octane with 5% ethanol and its great in stead of paying 30 buks for a bottle to treat 200 or 300 litres, that's what I do im goin to get nulon octane booster wich give me a extra 5 to 7 octane ill do that every month or 2 which will take me to 105 to 107 octance have a think about that

there I a fuel at shell which is called V power which is 98 octane

then you have V Power Racing fuel its 100 octane with 5% ethanol

not every shell petrol station has the V Power Racing im from sydney and all I no that has it is hurstville shell and theres one more but I forget where

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Im lead to believe that the octane booster you use only raises 5 to 7 points and there is 10 points to an octane.Can anyone clarify this. :spoton:

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remember octane boosters raise UPTO 7RON

when used with a 98 octane fuel nulon pro strength raises the RON to 103

u get the most results when used with standard unleaded but still better off adding it to 98 RON fuels.

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not every shell petrol station has the V Power Racing im from sydney and all I no that has it is hurstville shell and theres one more but I forget where

there's plenty more Shell servo's in Sydney that have it - Parramatta rd auburn, Shell Kirawee on the princes highway for example to name just a few.

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  • Member For: 19y 9m 17d
hey guys how about you just go to a shell petrol station and get V Power Racing  fuel its 100 octane with 5% ethanol and its great in stead of paying 30 buks for a bottle to treat 200 or 300 litres, that's what I do im goin to get nulon octane booster wich give me a extra 5 to 7 octane ill do that every month or 2 which will take me to 105 to 107 octance have a think about that

there I a fuel at shell which is called V power which is 98 octane

then you have V Power Racing  fuel its 100 octane with 5% ethanol

not every shell petrol station has the V Power Racing im from sydney and all I no that has it is hurstville shell and theres one more but I forget where

Well I just tried V Racing 100 with Nulon Octane booster... We put it on Paul's @ Elite Dyno and it pinged it head off.... It seems that my motor likes PB Ultimate a whole lot better..... We ended up having to run my conservative tune that has 4-5 degrees off timing taken out and I still ran a 12.55@110 At full weight on a hot and Very humid day (90% humidity)

Well I wont be using Shell fuel again... I always seem to get dodgy batches... I will be sticking to my E10 and PB for race meets...

Edited by jabba
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This may be a silly question but I have not seen it mentioned on past posts, but can I run e10 ethonal on the moderate cappa tune? I believe you only need 95RON and that what etonal delivers?


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  • rob327
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I thought E-10 was 91? a mate used it once in his clubby r8 a few weeks ago.... even more sluggish than usual :wub:

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