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Recommended Ford Dealership Forum?


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I've an idea! :laughing:

There have been some tragic tales of vehicles taken into Ford Dealerships for Warranty or Servicing needs.

But what about a pat on the back for those dealerships that have looked after it's customers. By pat on the back, I can think of one way to acknowledge their help and in turn could be of a great help to forum members, especially new comers

I for one, although completely satisfied with my dealership and it's servicing department, would see a great benefit of having a 'nationwide recommended dealership' subforum :msm: .

A lot of us travel, be it work, holidays or whatever, having a listing of recommended dealerships, going by first hand experiences as well as accumulating tally/score of votes per dealership to highlight those out there that really shine through when it comes to looking after customers.

Such a forum could be accessed and act as a guide for those members travelling or relocating, and would point them in the right direction for matters of simple (or complex) warranty concerns, servicing or even purchasing a new vehicle. :msm:

that's my thought for the day, I'm going to have a lie down now

Darren :spoton:

Edited by Adam
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Great idea.

What about a section where all dealerships are ranked by members, whenever a member visits them for servicing / parts / warranty. Something like a star rating.

That way we could look up dealer ABC and see what other members have to say, good or bad.

Might also be good for the dealerships that lurk here. They'll be able to get some candid feedback.

Just out of interest sake, I heard that Holden (or maybe HSV) have a SSS rating for their dealers that are determined by quality surveys of customers. Do Ford do that for their dealers?

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I can forsee the hordes of lawyers scrambling for their pen & paper in preparation for the inevitable "slander lawsuits" that come from this section.... :spoton:

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I can forsee the hordes of lawyers scrambling for their pen & paper in preparation for the inevitable "slander lawsuits" that come from this section....    :spoton:


Yeah, I wonder how that bloke with the large sign "this car is a sh*tbox" on his rear window slandering his local ford dealer and manager. Sure to see him in court. :spoton:

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Legal complications?

Why would there be, the forum if it were ever to take off, would recognise the dealerships that have done the right thing by us, it wouldn't be a place were people could come and b**ch about certain problems, just a referral service going by our good expereniences.


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