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Tuned Xr6T


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Well after talking to quite a few peeps about who and where I should get my car tuned, I decided on NizPro, for two reasons, 1, their location to where I live, and 2, Simon just seemed like a genuine guy and they have results too.

So to give you a run down on my cars mods, its got Edit, cat back zorst, bigger fmic, Kewish autos modded auto (2500k stall, kevlar bands, treated planetary gears, nice firm shift and a few other things) Nizpro upgraded injectors and upgraded valve springs.

Before its current tune wasnt really sure what power it was making, but either way it wasnt a safe tune, as the fmic bumped the boost up a little to much. And engine cut isnt a good feeling. Simon guessed it at 225rwkws on a generic tune.

So the cars back now, three tunes later (3 separate ones that is, full power, a little less and economy tune through the Edit) and she has 271rwkws. It comes on a lot stronger than it used to, and actually does something in first gear now, but its up into 2nd and 3rd that its an animal. The auto def helps with the drivability too, as the stall is perfect. And the shifts are as crisp as you'd want them. That and it shouldnt munch the box like it would have a stockie. Rolling accelleration is incredible, back to 2nd and after the rear wheels have traction its blindingly fast.

Havent had too much time in the car yet, but first impression are great. Thanks Simon.

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This is what we like to hear. :Welcome2FordXR6t:

The VIC tuning houses certainly have a fairly good idea in what needs to be done to make the XR6T's work at their best.

The main reason all us Sydney boys are heading down there shortly! :spoton:

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I currently have a edit and tune which was done by someone other than Nizpro which I am not particularly happy with, I am thinking of taking it to Nizpro and was wondering what the tune cost you to have done.



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Well done Deaks!!!

Pleased you are happy - that is always the main thing! :Welcome2FordXR6t:

They are definitely a great bunch at Nizpro and produce some awesome and well sorted tunes!



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I currently have a edit and tune which was done by someone other than Nizpro which I am not particularly happy with, I am thinking of taking it to Nizpro and was wondering what the tune cost you to have done.





give Nizpro a call and have a chat about your expectations and what it is you are not happy about. They will be able to give you a realistic expectation of what they are prepared to do, and what results you should expect for your current level of modification, and pricing to acheive this.

Should you decide to go to Nizpro I am sure you will be happy with the results - I have always been!



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Thanks Ben, I will give them a bell and have a chat, it certainly sounds like the place to go. I was at their Dyno day last Saturday but they were too busy to have a chat to but they put on a great show.



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Good on you Deaks. :spoton:

The guys at Nizpro certainly do know their stuff.

What type of intercooler has your car got on it?

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Well done Deaks.

270-300 is the power range generally set for that level of mods, depending on boost used, and varies from car to car.

Use the new power wisely, and make sure your brakes are up to the task.

When you get used to it don't be surprised if you ask for more!


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