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A Question About Redundancy...


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  • Poison Fish. Poison Fish. TASTY FISH!!!
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The only people that win from these reforms are business,Do you own your own businessit sounds likeit.

Why should employees give  a flying f*ck about the business they work for if there employers only want to make themselves richa nd treat there employees as 2nd rate.don`t see any of these politicians taking any pay cuts scum that they are.

I bet if you went for a new job you would want to be paid top dollar.

As for keating he had the balls to stand up to the yanks whare as puppet howard will do anything to benefit the yanks, he probably has contracts with the yanks once the reforms kick in and people are paid in chicken feed that he will start negotiating.


Lumpy :blink:

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Make no mistake little Johnnies reforms are designed to slash wages and conditions and destroy unions and maximise profits for buisnesses and corporations, there may be a few more low paid 70 hr/week jobs but we'll all be working longer, harder, have more stress, no protection from ruthless bosses if less than 100 employees, and have a much lower/worse living standard. This is Jonnies present for "all" Autralians so that we can be "more competetive" Will the cost of living now decrease? to compensate for lower real wages? Will your electricity and gas bill and groceries be cheaper cause labour is now cheaper? No FCKEN WAY. Penalty rates are gone, public hoilidays are going, pay rises will be a thing of the past. Forget about redundancy packages there will be no such thing. A strong union could negotiate many things but are also the cause of some problems. I wish everyone luck in Johnnies new world. We all have a chance at the next election to decide if this is the Australia we want for our kids, a carbon copy of America

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I do own my own business and employ 11 people who I value greatly.

I did not say we could compete with the like of China at $300 per month average wages, but with countries like Singapore, Japan and Malasia.

Manufacturing in this country is GONE and has been for many years. Unions want penalty rates, leave loading, etc. Now while the workers think its great, the consumer is the one paying for it when they buy the product. If brand X is selling a shirt made in Oz for $50 when brand Y is selling the same shirt made in China for $15 there is a problem.

People will not buy the local shirt because it costs heaps more......thus the company either goes out of business or moves off shore to china to compete. It is simple business.

IR reforms will impact on union workers, and process workers, but it is either you will have a job that has less conditions or you will have no job at all. Companies need to remove the stranglehold that unions and workers have on them. This is just leveling up the playing field and has been a long time coming. If you have good staff, you want to keep them at all costs, so you can now offer insentives that are outside an award. This IR works for the good worker.

If you are a crap worker, I want to be able to sack you without the threat of being up infront of the unfair dismissal tribunal, because the company NEVER wins, no matter what.

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Hi buddy im sorry for your family mate,

I have received the redundancey package and basically it really depends on the company itself.

But companies usually give 4 x weeks pay for EVERY YEAR not including any OWING SICK LEAVES, RDO'S,ANNUAL LEAVE OR LONG SERVICE LEAVES, which also are paid ON TOP.

Our company did have a CAP upto 80k IN TOTAL.

I did get taxed on my redundancy package and TOTALLY disagree with the ppl who said we do not get taxed on our payouts! that's A LOAD OF BU*LS*IT!!

I hope this helps u mate.

Edited by citricxr6t
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If they make her redundant, then hire someone else to replace her, they are breaking the law. Simple. They can't hire her back in the same capacity for lower pay without breaking the law. They may try some Bullsh1t like changing the position description but that doesn't wash.

This is exactly right. A redundency is where the JOB not the person becomes redundent, ie job ceases to exist.

Id check whether its definately a redundancy at all or just a 'golden handshake' (ie simply a payout like you hear of in the media of CEOs of public companies getting lump sums).

All redundancies and early retirement schemes have to be approved by the Australian Taxation Office, so there is a way to find out. That way you know what you are dealing with.

From a tax perpective:

The redundancy amount as distinct from the annual leave, sick leave (where applicable) and long service leave are TAX FREE for every full year of service (so if it was 26 years and 364 days it would be rounded DOWN to 26 full years) which should be around $6,200 + $3,100 for every year of service ie. $6,200 + ($3,100 x 26) = $80,600.

Some amounts will be treated as part of an Eligiable Termination Payment (ETP) and some not, then you have pre 83 and post 83 components :spoton:

Even as an accountant that I am, its still all fairly complicated, when ever I need to do or check a calc, I always to check back to ATO guidelines.

I suggest you have a general browse over this, even though its designed for information to employers still provides the relevant info: http://www.ato.gov.au/super/content.asp?do...5.htm&page=1&H1

Hope this helps.


Ford Grunt (Ben)

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People will not buy the local shirt because it costs heaps more......thus the company either goes out of business or moves off shore to china to compete.  It is simple business.


I agree with the first part of what you said there Zap but the bit I quoted above I will never understand why we are allowing this to happen to ourselves. We are the people who are buying the product yet were allowing it all to go off shore, what happens when were all out of work.... who's left to buy what ever is being sold....

I buy what I can where I can :glad: Made In Australia :msm: even if it does cost double.

What happened to the old Made In Oz marketing push.... :glad:

I'm also seeing first hand whats happening with production going off shore, the company I work for have double there Chinese factory size in under 12 months. Whilst we stare down the barrel of the gun waiting for the day we ourselves become redundant as the peolpe who helped get the company to where it stands today. :spoton:

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I can understand that you being a business owner and all requires some form of frwwdom in hiring and firing of staff, but think about ONE thing above all others........FAMILY

This is the only real thing which will see any changes after the IR reforms, the IR changes will NOT, and I repeat wil NOT guarntee that BUSINESS will come back from overseas, after all millions goes into moving them their in the first place money which will not be willingly wasted by large companies already... also once this reform stuff happens offically, people will continue working until such time as their EBA's expire then its open slather for compnaies to wipe PENALTY rates etc etc, so who suffers well the FAMILY UNIT, KIDS WON"T see parents as parent will need to work TWICE as much as now to make the same money, more stress on family units will cause another huge increase in marriage break-ups, therefore eating more money from the government for payouts, which I am sure HOWARD will try and stop, because hungry CHILDREN make him smile. CRIME wil increase 2 fold, so jails will need more cash, so lets hope for JOHNNIE and his Corprate brides maids can afford it too!!!!! I for one would not hesitate to steal a rich mans car to buy food for my kids, because I would never work more than the 50 hours I already work and never be able to see my WIFE and kids again.....seriously though I have never stolen a thing before no criminal record BUT to feed hungry people or just be able to afford the basics I WOULD. SO ZAP I hope you do well in life if your business succeeds and the rest of us lose half our current wagers. If you thik its about GOOD workers and BAD ones, think again, its about SHAREHOLDERS, and the rewards they want , not what GOOD workers want.......

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There are always 2 sides to any issue, but have you looked at the IR legislation or only relied on the scare mongering ads on TV made by unions ?

The main reason the IR reforms are being introduced is to KEEP JOBS IN AUSTRALIA. We cannot keep paying people more money, overtime and benifits, without something in return, like increased productivity.

This legislation is designed so that OUR KIDS HAVE A JOB in 20 years time.

I do not see the point in continuing to debate this subject, as it is law and will not change in a hurry. There will not be mass sackings or huge unemployment as a result. What will happen is a fairer workplace for all parties, with flexibility and acceptable renumeration for the workers.

I honestly think it is a good thing for this country and most people will never see any change.

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Lets get going on IR Where it belongs and leave this thread for redundo's I for one am interested in continuing the IR chat, so lets do it and leave this thread for redundo's

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Only way we can compete with the asian labour market is to work for 1/2 of what we are earning now...and that's exacty where LJH is going with his work place reforms :rokon: :spoton::glad: wipe

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