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A Question About Redundancy...


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Hey guys...

My Mum is facing a redundancy package at the minute, she hasn't spoken to the union yet (ANF, Australian Nurses Federation). Today she has been offered a 'package' that basically entitles her (according to them) 12 weeks pay ($10,000) for 26 YEARS of service... to me that doesn't sound right... I think her work is trying to SCREW her, not good enough, my poor Mum (she is the most amazing woman in the world) came home tonight in tears, difficult enough as you can imagine but then she shows me the 'offer' her work has made re the redundancy... I'm SO FU*KING angry at the offer they have made her... we (my father, mother and I) were hoping for something in the region of 100K as a package including her Long Service Leave, Time in Lieu, Holiday's and loading but expecting about 50k... this is such a kick in the guts... the 'package' they have offered is 26K after tax, so basically $1000 for each year of service including ALL of her entitlements (3 months Long Service Leave, which is worth twice the redundancy they have offered)... doesn't redundancy compensate a person X weeks for X years of service? If this is the case then her work has got it ALL WRONG.

Have you guys had any experience with redundancy personally? Please share them here, as I WILL NOT stand to see my Mum come home in tears from work again, or else I'm gonna start wrecking stuff... and I am not in any way a violent or irrational person, quite the contrary in fact, but don't fu*k with my family...

FU*K YOU JOHN HOWARD AND YOUR IR 'REFORMS'... it is going to SCREW MY FAMILY... how would you like it? I bet if I took your golden parachute of super away from you, your son would be posting here just like I am on behalf of you... she deserves alot better than this... surely.

Cheers for your help...

Jack :spit:

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I have no first hand experience with redundancy (thank christ), but I know a bloke who has been working for a private company for around 20years and is looking at a 60k package.

Sounds like your mum is getting the rough end of the pineapple to me.

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Nothing else deserves to be said. I'm sure the ANF will support her, they seem to be one of the stronger unions still kicking :spoton:

Good luck and best wishes,


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Having had a couple of turns at receiving redundancies I can give you a bit of a guide.

Firstly it all depends on which state you're in. As you're in Mexico, it is covered by the Vic state awards or her employment contract. There is no Federal body covering this issue. Being a nurse, I would presume that there is a state award covering her job (this is not the case for all jobs I.e. Marketing Managers are not covered by any awards). All the details of redundancies will be covered by the award which your mum can easily get access to. And unions are wonderful at helping out in these situations.

Secondly, what is usually covered in redundancies is 4 x weeks pay for every year of service plus any holidays due plus long service leave or part thereof if you've been in the job over 5 years. So your mum should be entitled to a nice fat sum.

Thirdly our taxation system allows us some relief for redundancy payments. Basically a redundancy payment does not attract any taxation. So that is a nice sweetener to what is usually a very bitter pill to swallow.

Hope this sheds a bit morelight on it for you. Fight for your rights.

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Cheers exahsix, sutty and Lumpy (you lefty proletarian!!)...

That's what I reckon too...

I am SO disappointed for my Mum, she doesn't want to 'lose' her job, the reason why they are even offering a package is because she is now too 'expensive' to employ anymore... read $27.55 an hour, I have mates on union building sites making that on their first year out of their time, let alone a person who has over 30 years (nearly 40 years in total) of experiece and work history with violent parteners/parents at risk/children at risk/all of the things that no one wants to think about but what goes on everyday in our lives it's just we don't see it, she has worked in and ran woman's refuge's (the first place a woman goes when escaping an abusive husband), she is a woman that deserve's and gets respect in her industry and her work goes and treat's my Mum like this, that is what my Mum deals with everyday, and the word around the traps at her work is that they WILL attempt to re-hire her at a lower rate after the redundancy (WTF, they want her but they don't... go figure)... She has been a union member since day dot, and I tell you now that those membership fee's better have gone somewhere... or else I may as well vote liberal (what on earth are we fighting for workers rights for if that is the case?), and I DON'T want to do that... you know that already Lumpy :spoton:

I am so shattered for my Mum, seeing her tonight in tears mate I tell you it rips me to bits... I am so fu*king angry...

Jack :gooff:

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Jack that's friggin disgusting and unfortunately the world we live in, imagine the out cry if she was able to contact ALL the people she's helped in that 26 years of service. :gooff:

Tell her were all batting for her. :spoton:

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I have been with the same company for the last 19 years...I have 21 weeks Holiday owing to me...And my long service...

Have been told that I do not receive my 17.5% loading when I am on holidays...WTF...

I have just found this out......??????


jack I feel for your mum....

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I just asked my wife who is a CPA and she said that it could be correct because some companies Cap their redundancy payouts.

The best thing is to get your mum to NOT sign anything and speak to her union.

Redundancy and Long service leave are taxed at a much lower rate to normal pay, so you will need to make sure they have calculated it right.

The new IR reforims have NOTHING to do with your mums payout unless she has recently negotiated an enterprise agreement.

All I can say is get professional advice, the union is there for that, they employ people who are specialists in this area as every award is different

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Sorry to hear about this mate. I am no expert, but my understanding is that the redundancy should not compromise any of her entitlements like annual leave, long service - these should be paid - not sure on sick leave.

Above that should be the actual redundancy componant. As others have said DO NOT sign anything until you are in posession of the full facts about entitlements. I would expect that there are some minimum legislated conditions for this but as others have said it will depend on which legislation applies (should be Victorian). The Union should help provide the right information.

Good luck for you and your family. :Welcome2FordXR6t:



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