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Big Vic Weekend Mk Ii


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There must be some more pics out there somewhere that are able to be posted. :blink:

I know there are sh*tloads that can't be posted, :spoton: but there must be a few more we can share. :spoton:

Geea. :blush:

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It was great to meet all of the guys at the BVWII. Great atmosphere with everyone looking to relax and have some fun.

Even though I did not have my car I still got a buzz on the Dyno Day and out at Heathcote ...

Geea, it took me a few months to figure out what the hell Kittens was but now that I have had the experience I feel sorry for the unlucky bastards that did not make it down there. Any chance of starting up a bus service in Sydney! Petrol is getting too expensive.

Thanks Brian for giving me the last minute call to fly down there for the weekend. I would have kicked myself if I did not go.

Dean, thanks for letting me crash the BBQ. Ben the Rib Eye was fantastic.

Well done Phil with the 11.38s pass, it looked too easy. 10's should be on the cards soon.

Geoff, thanks for geeing me up to stay up on Saturday night for a drink. My head was still spinning at lunch time on Sunday ... You looked second hand on Sunday too.

It was great to meet the all the rest of you guys ... We need to organise one up in Sydney. We may have a new and upcoming tuner in Sydney. I am just going to have to run some numbers and see if we can get some respect up here...

Geea, DBOSS ... Just put me on the list for the next one. I do not care when or where it is I'll be there (hopefully with two good knees next time).

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Well what can I say except, what an awesome week - even with all the problems.

Some of the issues for those that don't know :-

Stuffed bands in the auto - had to drive from Syd to Melb in 3rd.

Missing turbo bolts to manifold

Car got keyed at the motel (they pr!cks got Marcus' as well)

more auto issues now and can't launch properly

A massive thumbs up to Rob from HPF and Dave from Kewish for getting the car sorted at short notice - greatly appreciated - particularly Rob and the crew at HPF for sorting the turbo issues on Sat night and Sunday. I can't say thankyou enough :msm:  And the HPF tune looks good for an 11.2 at least when I can get the launch issues sorted out.

Many others to thank also.

Jewels and Vicki for putting up with me on Tues night in Syd.

Jeff and Craig for all the organisation.

All the guys from Sydney - I couldn't have spent the time with a better bunch of blokes.

Dean and family for the BBQ.

Everyone else I met in Melb - what a great group of people. It really is amazing, when you think about it, how this forum has brought so many people together.

Also the Wog for the company on the way back - has your phone packed it in from overuse yet?

Bring on the next one - my liver should have recovered by then - and hopefully with more of the QLD crew attending.

Hey Sutty,

Bad luck about the problems you had :msm: especially the scumbag scratching your ride! :laughing::crybaby:

Hope you didn't cop too much from Mrs Sutty as I thought we were pretty well behaved, spent most of the night talking, well most anyway :msm:


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Hiya Guys,

Here are some pics from Saturday for your enjoyment!  Thanks HPF and Geea for the great day  :crybaby:  And congrats to XLNT6 for his top podium finish!

a who's who woulda been good :spoton:


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  • Mushroom
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Hey Sutty,

Bad luck about the problems you had :blush:  especially the scumbag scratching your ride! :spoton:  :stupid:

Hope you didn't cop too much from Mrs Sutty as I thought we were pretty well behaved, spent most of the night talking, well most anyway :stupid:


Hey Chooka,

It's all good mate. The Mrs was just taking the p!ss. Worked well too judging by the amount of times I was told "You're in the sh!t when you get home". :pooh:

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