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Big Vic Weekend Mk Ii


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  • Im the one and only
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I will be counting on bringing $1500 for the trip down.Yeah reckon it will be enough :fool:

What do ya Reckon My car will cost to run from Gold Coast to Melbourne and back? :spoton:

Accomadation for 4 days? :spoton:

Booze for 4 days? :spoton:

Food for 4 days? :msm:

Hooker for 4 days? :fool: J/K :msm:

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  • loitering with intent
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I will be counting on bringing $1500 for the trip down.Yeah reckon it will be enough :blink:

What do ya Reckon My car will cost to run from Gold Coast to Melbourne and back? :msm:

Accomadation for 4 days?

Booze for 4 days? 

Food for 4 days? 

Hooker for 4 days?  J/K :blush:


Better get that second job :blush: You might only last a few days :spoton:

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  • Site protagonist
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I will be counting on bringing $1500 for the trip down.Yeah reckon it will be enough :msm:

What do ya Reckon My car will cost to run from Gold Coast to Melbourne and back? :blink:

Accomadation for 4 days?

Booze for 4 days? 

Food for 4 days? 

Hooker for 4 days?  J/K :msm:


Better get that second job :blush: You might only last a few days :blush:


Jewel's will you be bringing your own supply of towels in a securely lockable case? :spoton:

Geea. :glad:

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If this is half as good as the last one I wont remember this one either  :spoton:


You crack me up little fella!

I hope you aint gonna go for the KFC again! :blush:

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  • Faster than any BTA,XTC,Autotech, Nizpro and Tunehouse car
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I will be counting on bringing $1500 for the trip down.Yeah reckon it will be enough :blink:

What do ya Reckon My car will cost to run from Gold Coast to Melbourne and back? :msm:

Accomadation for 4 days? Booze for 4 days?

Food for 4 days? :blush:

Hooker for 4 days? :glad: J/K :msm:

Might be an idea to save another $1200 for an Edit and a tune the smile on your face on the way home take's your mind off the headache you will have :blush::spoton:

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  • loitering with intent
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  • Location: Zombie Birdhouse
I will be counting on bringing $1500 for the trip down.Yeah reckon it will be enough :spoton:

What do ya Reckon My car will cost to run from Gold Coast to Melbourne and back? :blink:

Accomadation for 4 days?

Booze for 4 days? 

Food for 4 days? 

Hooker for 4 days?  J/K


Better get that second job :msm: You might only last a few days


Jewel's will you be bringing your own supply of towels in a securely lockable case? :blush:

Geea. :blush:


I'm afraid that is absolutely necessary :glad: . Might have create a dairy free zone as well :msm:

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  • Im the one and only
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I will be counting on bringing $1500 for the trip down.Yeah reckon it will be enough :slap:

What do ya Reckon My car will cost to run from Gold Coast to Melbourne and back? :blink:

Accomadation for 4 days? Booze for 4 days?

Food for 4 days? :

Hooker for 4 days? : J/K

Might be an idea to save another $1200 for an Edit and a tune the smile on your face on the way home take's your mind off the headache you will have :slap:

Will see how much money I can save untill then. :blink:

Fckin cant wait.:banghead:

As you can probably tell I dont get out much :blink:

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  • Phantom lives
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I will be counting on bringing $1500 for the trip down.Yeah reckon it will be enough :slap:

What do ya Reckon My car will cost to run from Gold Coast to Melbourne and back? :slap:

Accomadation for 4 days? :blink:

Booze for 4 days? :blink:

Food for 4 days? :blink:

Hooker for 4 days? :slap: J/K :banghead:


Alot fuggin cheaper than my trip down there that's for sure... I got no change out of 12k and that was with a free look and drinks at Kittens, thanks again Craig....Well worth the trip stuff the fuel costs Tranny.....


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  • Im the one and only
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  • Location: In my house
I will be counting on bringing $1500 for the trip down.Yeah reckon it will be enough :slap:

What do ya Reckon My car will cost to run from Gold Coast to Melbourne and back? :blink:

Accomadation for 4 days? :slap:

Booze for 4 days? :blink:

Food for 4 days? :blink:

Hooker for 4 days? :slap: J/K :banghead:

Alot fuggin cheaper than my trip down there that's for sure... I got no change out of 12k and that was with a free look and drinks at Kittens, thanks again Craig....Well worth the trip stuff the fuel costs Tranny.....


Like I told Sutty.

Its the curse of the Phantom for your outragouse expenses :slap:

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Got the time off approved today, yeah baby!

None of this "ill get back to you crap", either put your hand up as a definite, or go wash your husband's dress.... :spoton:

Im taking Monday off this time as well! :spoton:

Doesn't bother me where we sit for the Origin, as long as we are there!

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