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Intake Upgrade

Ralph Wiggum

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CnC thanks for the comments. How familiar are you with the capa set up?

ive priced both set ups and theres less than $200 difference between them

the capa set up also has a different intake manifold and i believe that it may be the only system that has a shorter intake than nizpro's set up.

have a look at this picture and you'll see what i mean...

(i copied it from capa's website...please dont sue me for copyright infringments mr capa... :spoton: )

im not particularly chasing more power im just after more consistent power which is where i think the water to air setup *may* be better i think with the capacity of the system (10 litres in reserve besided the circulation water) would be more than able to keep the charge air cool for extended periods...plus u could run a second tank to increase the capacity again......i dont reckon an extra 20kgs over each back wheel would be a bad thing in my ute...... :crybaby:

dont get me wrong i think the nizpro setup is a quality built and well engineered system. I''d just like to do something abit different.


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  • Moar Powar Babeh
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heres some pic's...

anyone know where this intake came from, spotted at the FPV open day last weekend.



Nizpro's intake, nothing looks more the part very sexy up close larger in real life.


The top manifold is on Mr Turbo's car theres a thread around here some where that has a detailed build up of it. From what i recall it was very well made at quite a resonable price.

I agree that the Nizpro set up is a pretty swanky looking bit of gear and the engine bay of the t needs all the frickin help it can get to pretty up....i do like the "dont f*ck with me" race car bare bones look of the capa set up too. :crybaby:

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Why is it positioned better?

The Nizpro design removes as much piping as possible, that has to count for something.

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I don't know who got one, but the idea is good, and does work, if you want some thing with the shortest plumbing possible, the capa setup is the go, I thought about going this way, so I can fill with ice at the drags, and drop the intake temp right down.

PWR also do water - air intercooling kits:


...and if you're into icy intake temps at the strip, check this out too:


That'll get yer motor running! :spoton:

[edit] By the way I did some research on the whole CO2 idea, and you can get into an exchange program with BOC Gas & Gear for around $10 per month and $20 per 10lb bottle. I think. This was a while ago and I'm not exactly sure on the bottle size. Anyway I remember it was cheap as chips for an exchange bottle and you could probably even get a sweetheart deal with your local home brew shop if you were on good terms. :construction:

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Why is it positioned better?

The Nizpro design removes as much piping as possible, that has to count for something.


Both designs remove the piping, its just that the T/B is angled in a better position IMO and the curve into the manifold is a bit more gradual. Volume wise it seems a bit bigger also.

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  • SportCompact.biz
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CnC thanks for the comments. How familiar are you with the capa set up?

ive priced both set ups and theres less than $200 difference between them

the capa set up also has a different intake manifold and I believe that it may be the only system that has a shorter intake than nizpro's set up.

have a look at this picture and you'll see what I mean...

(I copied it from capa's website...please dont sue me for copyright infringments mr capa... :pooh: )

im not particularly chasing more power im just after more consistent power which is where I think the water to air setup *may* be better I think with the capacity of the system (10 litres in reserve besided the circulation water) would be more than able to keep the charge air cool for extended periods...plus u could run a second tank to increase the capacity again......I dont reckon an extra 20kgs over each back wheel would be a bad thing in my ute...... :sleepystuff:

dont get me wrong I think the nizpro setup is a quality built and well engineered system. I''d just like to do something abit different.


I am familiar with the CAPA setup from what I have seen on the CAPA website and also various write-ups in zoom magazine. I have also seen a system on a car at Summernats either this year or last year from memory (my memory is a little hazy sometimes).

Regarding the choice of water-to-air vs air-air the general comment that I have is the same as before, I would prefer a system with less parts in the system for higher overall system reliability. From an engineering perspective this just makes more sense to me.

As you have mentioned the price appears to be around the same price, with the Nizpro system being marginally cheaper, so this shouldnt be a major consideration here. Originally I went off the price that I saw mentioned earlier in the thread. It is difficult to tell the all inclusive price for the CAPA kit however as the water-to-air intercooler seems to require their custom manifold and the website isnt clear whether their price includes this or not, I would suspect that it wouldnt.

At the end of the day I guess its a personal choice and up to you but from the looks of it the Nizpro system is a well engineered system and would be hard to beat IMO.

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