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I Witnessed An Accident Today...


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As those in Melbourne are well aware the weather today was horrible, extremely heavy rain and thunderstorms...

Well anyway, I'm out with my mate getting some lunch and we were heading the other way on Manningham Rd and see an immaculate (wheels/exhaust/big front mount) white R34 GTS-T turn left from High St to Manningham Rd near the Macca's/Red Rooster (for those that know where I'm talking about) and goes in to a what seemed to be well controlled drift, he went both ways right to left about 8 or 9 times, we had passed him by this stage and I keep my eyes on the extremely wet road) and I say to my passenger 'that looked pretty good eh...', and he says 'OH NO NO... LOOK LOOK'... I look over my shoulder and he's managed to at pretty high speed (I imagine at least at the top of 2nd maybe in to 3rd) lose control starts to come around sliding full 360 derees and goes up the embankment sideways and backwards and straight in to a tree... hit the passenger side rear quarter very badly, made a decent old mark on the tree as well... MASSIVE damage to rear wheel/quarter/suspension, rear bumper and both tail lights hanging off ... needless to say we made a U turn and went back to see if they were alright, weren't interested in speaking to us, offering help perhaps Ambo or Police and the driver (I think he had 2 passengers with him too) gets in his car and drives it away from the tree, back wheel punched in and down the closest street... we then offered help again and were to told to F*** OFF... so we did... and that's it... we headed back to my mates place with our lunch just shaking our heads... and of course the traction control on...

After going to Calder last night to see the legal off street drags I suppose it really drives home to me and maybe you guys too that the place for sh*t like that isn't on public roads in extremely bad weather on very slippery roads...

I hate to think what he's gonna do with it (I would estimate the car to be worth 30k plus)... I only imagine that insurance companies don't look upon these kind of 'accidents' favourably...

None of those involved seemed to us to be injured, LUCKY AS FU*K if you ask me... it could have been SO much worse.

What do you guys think? Ever seen anything similar on the street?

Jack :thumbsup:

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I think the guy deserved it especially after the attitude he gave you.

Yeah, I thought that at first too, but kind of feel sorry for him... I know how hard I have worked to get my car (and he's probably the same), though there is no way I'd ever attempt anything near what he was... not even on a race track with 100 mile run offs in every direction... and to see it destroyed in an instant I would probably react the same way (though with tears in my eyes), shock does strange things to us...

Jack :spoton:

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Heroes think they can drive when they fckun can't. I would have stood, pointed and laughed.

A bloke in a 911 gave his car a big rev outside my place one night ( I live on a corner ) as he was going round the corner. He lost it and took out a brick letterbox with his quarter panel. :pinch:

I went and told him he was a dickhead for driving like that in a residentail estate.

On a side not, nice to meet you Jack last night. Dissapointed you didnt have any pics of your car with you. :spoton:

Where you were today is near my folks so I know the road well. Its right near the Ambulance depot.

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A little while ago I saw a skyline powerslide it about 3/4 of a roundabout and then back sideways the other way on the way out of the roundabout. Except he didn't crash it or loose control of it.

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On a side not, nice to meet you Jack last night. Dissapointed you didnt have any pics of your car with you

Cheers flukey... yeah mate SO disappointed I didn't have any photo's to show you, my car was out in the car park, shaking like a scared child that it was at the drags after what I did to it at Heathcote :spoton::msm::pinch: not sure why but I thought you live out Doncaster way... so if you're near there have a look at the tree, he hit it hard... about 2 feet wide/3 foot high is the damage to the tree... I imagine the bark from the tree is on the tray of the towies truck... and yeah it's right out the front of the ambo offices... maybe that's why he told me to F off, they were just gonna walk to the ambo's for help :nono:

Jack :msm:

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what started out as a good thing .... went really bad

could happen to anyone... :pinch:

I agree shock affects us all differently ... glad to hear no one was hurt,

good to know people like you still exist .. to offer a helping hand :spoton:


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I would have written down the numberplate, called the cops and had him done for wreckless driving.

He should have his license also taken for being a knob.

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