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Is It Worth Getting A Edit?


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  • Moar Powar Babeh
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I think you'd be in front if you plan to keep your car that long....... :tease:

I know this will probably blow up in my face but im going to go there anyway...... :blink:

(warning the opinions expressed below are the rantings of a man on nightshift whos been up for way toooo many hours already they may or may not be true/accurate of even make sense.....read at you own risk.....)

My reasoning behind believing that Ford can detect an edit is this (an please note this is only my opinion based upon my own experiences and what i have read on the interenet....... :fool: so it must be true....)

i work on caterpillar heavy earth moving equipment. they too have Ecm's that control many different aspects of the machine. some machines have up to five ecms.

theses Ecm's compared to what is in our cars are quite dumb. they dont learn they just do what they are told to do.

we can also "edit" parameters in the ecm. any parameter that we edit that could have a detrimental effect on the machine (ie increasing max ground speed, increasing upper fuel limits, changing brake cut in speeds etc etc...) are all logged. the cat system has a tattle tale that allows the mechanic to see how many times the parameter has been played with.

now do you guys out there think that it stretchs the imagination too much to think that a company as big as ford(and have been sued under that many class actions..) wouldnt choose to build into there cars the ability to tell if paramter changes have occured in "major" parameters such as upper rpm limits and rev limit cut ins, changes to maximum top speed etc etc to protect them selves for waranty and legals reasons?

i dont think it is

but thats just my 2c'....... :blink:

Edited by hiddeous
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(warning the opinions expressed below are the rantings of a man on nightshift whos been up for way toooo many hours already they may or may not be true/accurate of even make sense.....read at you own risk.....)

I'm right there with ya. Thank goodness Empire Strikes Back was on tonight. Been replayed twice already.

Wassat? Off topic? apologies...

I don't haven't gone edit myself yet, but the consensus here is that Edit is most definately worth getting. almost necessary for some. Get a good custome tune from someone highly recommended (searchy searchy) and you won't regret it.

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  • Crusty aviator
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C H R I S T.......does anyone use the search function anymore?

These topics have been done to death.

The issue is not just Edit with your warranty it is effectively any powertrain mods. Want to take Ford on to prove you are right - frankly most of us have better things to do with our lives. You play you pay. CHanging delaerships might be an options but come the day of the big failure any dealership still has to explain and answer to the big Ford Kahuna.

Oh and yes I can sense my car has been edited or modified slightly when I drive it.

Sorry to appear a little pithy this morning but some of these threads are a little.....well you know.........

Cheers and enjoy your T, go the Edit and factor in a custom tune.


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While everyone is chucking in there 2 cents, might as well throw mine in too!!!

Got the edit last week, stock tunes were good power but not feeling so good in my car (long story including valve bounce and pinging), so I got it custom tuned 2 days ago and now it is unreal.

So happy with it only running 9psi with 233rwkw(started at 185rwkw). (at least for now anyway)

In short, get the edit, worth every cent, but spend a few more dollars and get it custom tuned

Edited by DAM18T
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  • Seriously Flukey Member
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In short, get the edit, worth every cent, but spend a few more dollars and get  it custom tuned

Amen brother :spoton:

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So is the edit better than the uni-chip????

:stirthepot:  :blush:


The uni-chip should be cheap, real cheap :sofa:

Could always wait for the APS-Edit :pooh:

In all seriousness, just get it, but get it custom tuned, and tell your insurance company. If they dont like it, change insurers.

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Yep - edit is awesome!

In relation to warranty - as others have said - you play - you pay. It is reasonable that you void drivetrain warranty if increasing power. On the plus side - being an '02 you have a well tested piece of kit, so any fundamental flaws hopefully would have been exposed already, although anything is posible. Also with edit only, you are well under the power levels others have acheived but still had good durability. Whilst no guarantee, this should inspire some (high level of) confidence.

If you want to play it safe, definitely get the car custom tuned buy a good tuner. They should be able to ensure the tune is safe for the fuel it is being tuned for.

In terms of warranty - Nizpro offer a 12 month, 20,000km warranty on their Cobra Stage 1 kits (edit, valve springs and service) - not 100% sure if they also offer this for edit only. They are also a great XR6T tuner.

I have had no issue with insurance provided I keep them fully informed of all mods.

With fuel consumption, the a custom tunes should be mapped to make the most of the capacity of the fuels it is tuned for. This should provide a marginal increase in fuel economy when cruising. If you have a heavy left foot, increase power output requires more fuel, so when going hard your consumption will increase.

For me, on average, high power has not changed average fuel consumption much at all. My car is definitely much better on the cruise, which compensates for the moerately frequent instances of hard acceleration.

Good luck! :stirthepot:


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