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Turbo Territory - Ride Height


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The more I see it and hear about it, the more I want one..... Think I will wait until you guys do all the hard R&D on the mod side and I will go out and get one then.....

300kw awd moster terri... oh yeah :laughing:

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Guest FatBAt
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The Territory would look ridiculous dropped on its arzz. (IMO)

I really am not sure what market Ford are trying to aim at with the Turbo Territory. (TT?)

I don't think you would be buying one of these cars to drive on the beach. I mean, imagine how hot these things would run going up and down sand dunes or just fourby driving. I foresee a lot of limp mode.............................



How can say any of that??!!? Have you driven an X5 BMW?? They handle just as well as the T, if not better.

A Terri on it's arse would look hot! Have you seen the NIZPRO Terri in person?

Now imagine the above in Black, with black windows! Oh yeah, gangster baby!


Who said anything about an X5 BeM. Paying anything upto $150000, I would want it to take the wrinkles outta my face and massage my hairy back :spit: for that money.

Anywho, the X5 are about 450kgs heavier, not to mention the height differnce so how could an X5 handle better than a T. Sure they have active suspention that lowers the car the faster you go but you would have to be goin' pretty damn fast to lower it enough to beat a T around a tight race track.

Look..........its as simple as this..............Your wrong. :blink: ..............and I'm right :blink:

If ever you buy a black Territory with black tints, make sure you don't forget your black suit and white tie.....and a gun.....yer gotta have a gun. :blink:

After all that, I am only takin the p!ss outta you.

Have a great day


Edited by FatBAt
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The Territory would look ridiculous dropped on its arzz. (IMO)

I really am not sure what market Ford are trying to aim at with the Turbo Territory. (TT?)

I don't think you would be buying one of these cars to drive on the beach. I mean, imagine how hot these things would run going up and down sand dunes or just fourby driving. I foresee a lot of limp mode.............................


How can say any of that??!!? Have you driven an X5 BMW?? They handle just as well as the T, if not better.

A Terri on it's arse would look hot! Have you seen the NIZPRO Terri in person?

Now imagine the above in Black, with black windows! Oh yeah, gangster baby!

Who said anything about an X5 BeM. Paying anything upto $150000, I would want it to take the wrinkles outta my face and massage my hairy back :fool: for that money.

Anywho, the X5 are about 450kgs heavier, not to mention the height differnce so how could an X5 handle better than a T. Sure they have active suspention that lowers the car the faster you go but you would have to be goin' pretty damn fast to lower it enough to beat a T around a tight race track.

Look..........its as simple as this..............Your wrong. :blink: ..............and I'm right :blink:

If ever you buy a black Territory with black tints, make sure you don't forget your black suit and white tie.....and a gun.....yer gotta have a gun. :spit:

After all that, I am only takin the p!ss outta you.

Have a great day


The T Terri isn't about all out power and speed. But how many guys here actually take there T's to a circuit? Out of 7000 odd members there is prolly about 100-200 max. How many go drag racing? atleast a 1000+. Point is, your wrong! :spit:

The Terri will be about getting down a straight line quickly, how quickly is anyones guess.

And bugger the Suit and Tie mate, just some fully sick Kappas and gold chains brudda. And guns, meh, SIF I would need a gun.

Ander after all that, I am only taking the piss outta yer. But tell seriously, How does a FATBAT fly??? Slowly or what. :fool::blink:

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Guest FatBAt
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The T Terri isn't about all out power and speed. But how many guys here actually take there T's to a circuit? Out of 7000 odd members there is prolly about 100-200 max. How many go drag racing? atleast a 1000+. Point is, your wrong!  :spit:

The Terri will be about getting down a straight line quickly, how quickly is anyones guess.

And bugger the Suit and Tie mate, just some fully sick Kappas and gold chains brudda. And guns, meh, SIF I would need a gun.

Ander after all that, I am only taking the piss outta yer. But tell seriously, How does a FATBAT fly??? Slowly or what. :blink:  :blink:


About being a Fat Bat. I resemble that comment. :blink:


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  • Faster than any BTA,XTC,Autotech, Nizpro and Tunehouse car
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And bugger the Suit and Tie mate, just some fully sick Kappas and gold chains brudda. And guns, meh, SIF I would need a gun.

Word up homie :spoton::blink:

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  • TerriGhia
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I see a lot of v8 x5's out there.Not many of these would go offroad.territory turbo is not about drag racing or curcuit racing or four wheel driving, its about marketing.the engine was there why not use it.I predict it will sell well.The only thing it is missing is a german badge for the fashion police.

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The trouble with the basic Territory AWD is that with 2.2 tonnes of weight with a few options, something on the carry bars and a full load of 5 folk with luggage... was that while the 190 Barra engine was willing, it simply couldn't handle the mass that it was shifting. Hmm... like when I used to take the girl and a few of her friends away to ski for the weekend.

Cruising along the freeway was fine but towing the dive boat up hills or alternatively having that extra urge to get up steep hills fully loaded or overtaking... even with the new ZF box, it still couldn't really cut it.

While the performance potential seems to be what most of you are focussing on, it's the advantage in torque that the turbo is going to have. It's going to make towing a lot easier and it will give that broad shouldered muscle that the Territory really needed without having truly scary V8 fuel consumption.

The vehicle is going to sort out one of the real gaps in the package - V8 like AWD power without the consumption... The other real gap is another turbo ie a turbo diesel option for those who want to reduce their costs or extend the range on a tank of gas.

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  • SLOJAM, Gone but not forgotten
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All good points replicant....

But I just want one 'cause it's the closest thing to a performance wagon that Ford sell (or will soon)... VRRROOOMMMM :-)

Plenty of room for the tools and parts I carry, and at least some way to the performance of the "T"

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