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Blew The Auto At 33k's


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gear set rooted, ion (box manufacturer) look like not covering it because its got a non std intercooler. So I will wait and see


Hang on a minute, Turtle do you have any other mods done to your car?

A bigger or non factory IC wont effect the transmission, rather help the engine run better and more efficient, because of the better heat exchange!

Not fixing your transmission under warranty because of a bigger IC, is bull :laughing:

Ford has to prove the damage is cause directly by the IC!

I would fight that one hard, and threaten Ford with legal action via the Office of Trading?

If you have modded, what power are you doing?


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gear set rooted, ion (box manufacturer) look like not covering it because its got a non std intercooler. So I will wait and see


Hang on a minute, Turtle do you have any other mods done to your car?

A bigger or non factory IC wont effect the transmission, rather help the engine run better and more efficient, because of the better heat exchange!

Not fixing your transmission under warranty because of a bigger IC, is bull :laughing:

Ford has to prove the damage is cause directly by the IC!

I would fight that one hard, and threaten Ford with legal action via the Office of Trading?

If you have modded, what power are you doing?



wasn't ford who is looking like backing out, its ion the manufacturer, I rang today and they explained this to me.

me: I said hang on mate I have the reciept for the car infront of me and no where on this reciept does it say "ion",ford is every where, so who do I have the warranty with ion or ford?

Dealer: with ford of course.

Me: So why am I being told that ion is stuffing you around?

Dealer: They (ion) have to ok the removal of the trans.

Me: WTF you havent even removed the box?

Dealer: NO.

Me: Why not? And how the f*ck do u know its the gear set?

dealer: If we remove the box and ion wont pay we lose out. Im just guessing that that's what it is.

Me: But you dont even know what has failed so how are these guys knocking it back, it may have been something I have done but you wont know whats up untill you remove the box.

Dealer: Its the way we always do it.

Me: mate at this point I will get another box and you guys and ion can deal with the solicitor if its not my fault. Its either a warranty claim or not its that simple.Im not blaming you personaly but if its my fault give the report to me in writing and I will consider my options. I just need my car back.

The end result was that the box was removed and some bloke from ford proper had to inspect it and say yeah or no. If its my fault and they prove it I will cop it sweet but just dont dick around ( 2 days to remove the box is a bit poor)


Edited by turtle33
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That’s no good, Ford seem pretty good with warranty claims!

I don’t understand why the dealer is being difficult, Ford are the ones who make the calls?

I under stand your frustration Turtle, I to use my car for work every day, so I’m f*#ked without it.

Just so you know, my father had a warranty issue with Hyundai.

Problem with the gearbox on the last service, three weeks before the warranty ran out.

They told him they have ordered the parts, and will call him when they have arrived.

When returning for repairs, he was told- the warranty has just run out and you will need to pay for it! :nudie::spoton:

He has in a logged a dispute with the office of fair-trading, which told him- they will chase it up. Got to be worth a go and cheaper than a solicitor, after all that’s why we pay these people so much for our contractors licence every year!

Anyway hope it all works out for you?


Micksta :glad:

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the dealer guys have actually been quite good, it seems to be ford hq and the box maufacturer. The box manufacturer (ion) wanted to knock back the claim on the grounds that its lowered and non std wheels, the dealer said no way, the suspension and the wheels in no way effect the box, but ion said bigger tyres cause more strain on the box etc. The dealer just laughed and said to ion that the tyres are the same size as offered by ford. The techs in bris did a report stating that it was some kind of bearing failure and has resulted in the boxed being stuffed (and coverter because of swarf). Ion now wants the box shipped to sydney for inspection. As of 3 weeks ago ion have now requested that all damaged boxes be shipped to sydney for a looky see. (confirmed by 2 different dealers). So look out if any one else blows up a box. I got quoted $9800.00 for the box and converter + fitting. :laughing: 13ford just quoted the company policy etc so no joy ther either.

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as I said to ford, prove I have done something wrong and I will gladly pay, but dont give me the run around because of the box manufacturer, the warranty is with ford not ion.

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reminds me of someone I no tony!!


The RIP list is growing....


mine is compleatly rooted not just bands its everything including the converter

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reminds me of someone I no tony!!


The RIP list is growing....


mine is compleatly rooted not just bands its everything including the converter


That's a pretty impressive trophy :censored:

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