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Hey XR6 747,yeah ive had that same problem with the backfire issue but it has recently gone away but like u said it was spooling up too quick too early then a big pop and sometimes it would leave a intersection half covered in exhuast smoke,thank god it has fixxed itself

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On 11/02/2006 at 6:46 AM, SavageF6 said:

So there I was, flogging along. From memory, I was charging flat out, having just changed into 4th. Then the engine suddenly lost power, like I'd hit the speed limiter. Overboost right? No, I wasn't anywhere near max speed either :stirthepot:

This was actually about a month ago, but I never worried about it, since it hasn't done it since.

My question is thus: even though the car has been shut down and restarted numerous times since then (and runs perfectly), would the PCM remember that the car overboosted? What about all the Euro III stuff on the BFs?

My only concern is that my F6 might have been in some sort of 'reduced performance lazyarse safety mode ever since'. To be honest, I can't haven't felt any drop in performance. but you never know (then again how often can you test max performance on the streets anyway). I'd hate to think my phoon is being lazy because of some error code you see.

Meh, just wondering.


On 11/06/2012 at 5:51 PM, Haydo83 said:

Hey guys sounds like im having the same problem but a whole lot worse. I bought mine 2nd hand with 150 thou k's and was all good until about 5000 ks later it started doing the "brrrrr" crap. Took it into ford and they pulled it apart and said coil packs,and while im at it do the spark plugs.That was done,didnt fix it,then it was the electronic boost control solenoid.

Fixxed,but only for about two months and then the same problem again. Mine is fully stock apart from a Blitz BOV and its now spooling up to quick and will run out of puff too early and will do the "brrrr" until I get off it and spool up again. I have bought another wastegate actuator to attempt to swap them over as a fault has generated "Wastegate overboost". Id say ford replaced my plugs with sh#t ones so ive just bought new NGK ones so fingers crossed.

Any clues on what this may be would be a great help ive read allot of articles saying its the actuator flogged out and not holding boost. Oh and forgot to mention if u dont re spool after it it kinda feels like it chokes the motor and could stall if u came to a stop at a intersection cos it shakes like crazy,also has sounded like a popping or backfiring under hard boost but hasnt for a while.

Any help would be much appreciated.


Anyone know any fixes for this problem. Going crazy atm trying to work it out on my car.


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Haha my bad. 


Stock standard piece of crap.


Everytime I give it a good boot full for long enough I experience the "brrr". Like its hitting a flat spot or rev limiter. Noticed that it likes to happen more often and sooner when I have a full car. 

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39 minutes ago, nobb91 said:

Some people say its a must and others say never had a problem with aftermarket in there xr6ts

These two things are just not related to one another...

OEM are a must in almost all situations


a VERY SMALL number of people have aftermarket and have no issues. A reasonable number of people have issues with aftermarket and their issues immediately disappear when they switch to OEM.

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