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Time For A Change ...


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same as my staff at work...it has become the local joke....and that is 30 people who would never touch one !....pitty cause if and when it works it is a great car....but try telling 30 staff members that when it has been into the dealership for more than 20 plus warrnaty claims....and it still is not fixed....and they say there is nothing we can do....

Anyway....I move on....I am saving for something European !

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same as my staff at work...it has become the local joke....and that is 30 people who would never touch one !....pitty cause if and when it works it is a great car....but try telling 30 staff members that when it has been into the dealership for more than 20 plus warrnaty claims....and it still is not fixed....and they say there is nothing we can do....

Anyway....I move on....I am saving for something European !

Funny you should mention that...

I had a look at a very nice 2nd hand BMW M3.. but jeez $100,000 pricetag to match the performance of the T's a bit steep.

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its seems a very common theme from any new cars owners who take their rides back to their dealer (not just fords) for service / waranty repairs they always seem to get a total run around. After getting the cr back the issue is never resolved.......

is this the case??

is anybody actually happy with their delaers service??

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I originally used the local Ford dealer here in Ferntree Gully, was really happy with their service dept, and service manager, but then they damaged one of my 20" wheels and denied it (not happy about that!!)... after a lot of headache's they ended up repairing it, but I don't get treated the same there now from the service manager... so I am now going to Freeway Ford in Cranbourne, I met Barrie from Fords Down Under here in Melbourne (he left a business card under my windscreen wiper one day when I was at work) and he works there (Business Development Manager) and has gone right out of his way to help me with service and any warranty issue's I have had, and I must say I am VERY happy with them... they and especially Barrie who I have been dealing with directly have been excellent.

I'm a happy Ford owner... after reading a lot the posts here lately I seem to be in minority, which is sad... I can't understand why they want to give people the run around with quality issues, it is the easiest way to burn customers, the after sales service needs to be better than the sales as you only buy your car once, but head back for service every few months...

Jack :buttrock:

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I'm a happy Ford owner... after reading a lot the posts here lately I seem to be in minority, which is sad... I can't understand why they want to give people the run around with quality issues, it is the easiest way to burn customers, the after sales service needs to be better than the sales as you only buy your car once, but head back for service every few months...

Jack :buttrock:


You mainly only hear from the unhappy ones Jack...plenty of happy T owners out there :spoton:

Have you heard anymore about your car Mortoys??

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You mainly only hear from the unhappy ones Jack...plenty of happy T owners out there

I don't really know any Ford owners, so my only contact with them is here, and I suppose people only really talk when something goes wrong. So I suppose I should take the comparitive silence from others that they are happy Ford owners too... know what I mean?

Didn't think of it that way...

Jack :buttrock:

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I only had a couple of minor things go wrong with my Turbo, hand brake squeel, a rattle on the dash, and a leaking diff but that only needed to be tightened up.

In three years that's not bad but sometimes the dealer was a bit slow as it took a couple of goes to fix the dash and brake but we got there in the end.

I do know that Ford is not the only cars that have issues. Friends of mine with Holdens, Toyotas etc have had issues as well. You do pay good dollars for a car only to have things go wrong and I guess it happens with massed produced cars... not that I condone that. I got quite annoyed having to take the car back when I thought things were fixed.

My AU XR6 only had one minor problem in the three years and my new GT hasnt had anything go wrong... touch wood :spoton:

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For what its worth, my Turbo mkII never went back to the dealer in its short 20k life for any work except routine service. (even after edit)

The current Futura (also MkII) also has over 25k on her now, and never back either.

Very happy with both, much nicer than the last AU series 3 I had.

Jeez, I miss my T :glad:


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same as my staff at work...it has become the local joke....and that is 30 people who would never touch one !....pitty cause if and when it works it is a great car....but try telling 30 staff members that when it has been into the dealership for more than 20 plus warrnaty claims....and it still is not fixed....and they say there is nothing we can do....

Anyway....I move on....I am saving for something European !


Funny you should mention that...

I had a look at a very nice 2nd hand BMW M3.. but jeez $100,000 pricetag to match the performance of the T's a bit steep.


Yeah I have been sniffing around for one as well , 100k for something 3 years old WTF .Looks like I will have to keep the Phoon for another year, so it aint all bad :spoton:

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