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Time For A Change ...


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  • Member For: 19y 10m 21d
The thing that pisses me off about stuff like this, is that some dealers seem to go out of their way to tarnish the brand with 'service' such as this.

I agree, man. Where's the passion for the product they're selling/servcing? It was like when I bought my Phoon - walked into one dealership and fely like I walked into a funeral parlour. What a bunch of of dead heads.

It's not rocket science:

1. Passion for your product.

2. Competitive pricing

3. Fair dinkum, honest servicing.

4. Exemplary after sales service.

Get with it, dopes!

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NAME THE DEALER, you might find they are well known here for being bad, if not we may be able to help you out with contacts.


Sounds like a good old fashion Hunt not a STOOGE hunt but still a hunt count me in :wasklywabbit::hammerhead:

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  • Member For: 20y 3d
  • Location: The North Cooma End of Canberra...

I with everyone else... Name the bastards...

The only way some of these guys will ever learn not to f*ck the customer around is when all their customers hear about them and chose to go somewhere else...

I'd also demand that they order a new phoon for you, and that they pay your lease costs up to this point (that's only fair, you have not been in possession of the car, they have), if they refuse to do it, go the legal options \ ACA option... (Whilst I personally hate the ACA they do love taking on the big boys, and they will put more money into their witch hunt than we as humble customers ever could)

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  • Member For: 19y 6m 1d
I with everyone else... Name the bastards...

The only way some of these guys will ever learn not to f*ck the customer around is when all their customers hear about them and chose to go somewhere else...

I'd also demand that they order a new phoon for you, and that they pay your lease costs up to this point (that's only fair, you have not been in possession of the car, they have), if they refuse to do it, go the legal options \ ACA option... (Whilst I personally hate the ACA they do love taking on the big boys, and they will put more money into their witch hunt than we as humble customers ever could)


:spoton: Give the ACA a call. They will tell you to put the complaint in writing. DO IT.

When my dealer stuffed me around (long story - another time) I went all the way I could before getting a lawyer involved.

It's simple. They had their chance - They blew it. No more Mr Nice Guy.

We want results & we want them now. :spoton:

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  • Member For: 21y 17d
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Hey All.

Well I got nothing positive to report after receiving no call from the dealer and going down to check on the state of my car.

Its "still at the panel beaters". Yes there was an 'incident', no it wasn't me !!!

Next week now so no 'demanding' my car back and driving away unfortunately Eugene.

Once again, I just get to wait ...

Tried calling FPV but they can't do anything as "its a dealer issue" although they have made a note of my complaint and will ring the service manager to discuss on Monday.

As much as I appreciate the help, I am unsure if that's really going to help. I have been dealing with the service manager for the past 5 weeks.

I am fast starting to realise that as the customer, you are always wrong and you have no rights no matter how much you spend ...

For the record, if it came back capable of 'low 12's' then I might be happy to keep it. Otherwise, why should I pay for a new car when that's obviously not what I'm getting ?

Time to send some emails ...

Cheers for now.


P.S. - Yep , I know exactly how many kilometers were on it when I dropped it off ...


Gee, if you ever want to buy an excavator, please come and see me, you are too easy to get along with, I have guys b**ch about scrathes on the tracks of Bulldozers for crying out load, can you imagine what would happen if I damaged thier new digger?

This sucks big time, go and see the dealer pricipale, in the sales office/showroom, tell him load and clear the phuck around you are getting, I would be snappin noses by now, inform him unless they do the following you will be going to consumer affairs and the MTA.

Pay the lease/loan payments for the time they have had the car.

Lend you, FREE of charge, a car of similar quality to use.

last but not least, get your car fixed NOW, what could take so long, have you seen the car? what are they waiting on?

If you like PM me, give me the details, I deal with Phuckwits everyday of my life, its my Job, I will sort the *beep* out, he wont know if he is coming or going by the time I finish with the kunt.

Feel free to PM, happy to help.


:glad::glad::spoton::spoton: Like your style No Love it :glad::glad::glad: Yep give em :pooh: !!!!!!!!!!!!

Mortoyz Hows this going ?

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A reply from a person that has also been shagged by a sh*t ford dealership. (sth Melb jefferson Ford to name it....don't go there !!!)

I have had all that plus more with my xr6t, and I cannot wait to get rid of the s__t box when I can afford to buy something else other than a ford.

I have written to current affairs, complained to the ford service line, written to the ceo of ford, threatened the dealership with everything (in writing & in person).

Nothing....I cant punch them in the head cause I have kids, and dad would look stupid in court.

So for all the lovely thoughts and ideas....forget it...Ford sell sh__tloads of these cars, and one angry customer is like a needle in a haystack......and the story is not sexy enuff for TV or radio.

Just go down pick the car up and get someone else other than Ford to fix it.

South Melbourne ford couldn't fix mine and I finally sent it to Herrod and they finally fixerd it at my expense....not perfect but better than the backfiring, no hand brack, squeeling brakes car that we had before.

Legal action is not worth it as the value of the issues do not weigh up to the value of the car.

MOve on......and no I am not a Expensive Daewoo advocate....just a realist that think ford & Expensive Daewoo sell too many cars to give a dam.

Cheers & best of luck

Raymondo !

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  • Flaccid Member
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  • Location: NOONAMAH, go figure.....

Sounds about on Par with my dealer.

I'm going to get a big sign made up "Lemon" and I'm going to fasten it to the roof racks, then I'm going to park my f'n T on the medium strip right infront of the dealer, then I'm going to give free lemonade to anybody heading into ford and run them through the whole sorry story of my car. Oh yeah, I'll put a call into the local rag first, they'll be there with bells on.

I also acted resonably and gave them every chance, thier level of incompetence is astounding, I'm left thinking that they deliberately want to pizz me off.

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  • Flaccid Member
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  • Location: NOONAMAH, go figure.....
A reply from a person that has also been shagged by a sh*t ford dealership. (sth Melb jefferson Ford to name it....don't go there !!!)

I have had all that plus more with my xr6t, and I cannot wait to get rid of the s__t box when I can afford to buy something else other than a ford.

I have written to current affairs, complained to the ford service line, written to the ceo of ford, threatened the dealership with everything (in writing & in person).

Nothing....I cant punch them in the head cause I have kids, and dad would look stupid in court.

So for all the lovely thoughts and ideas....forget it...Ford sell sh__tloads of these cars, and one angry customer is like a needle in a haystack......and the story is not sexy enuff for TV or radio.

Just go down pick the car up and get someone else other than Ford to fix it.

South Melbourne ford couldn't fix mine and I finally sent it to Herrod and they finally fixerd it at my expense....not perfect but better than the backfiring, no hand brack, squeeling brakes car that we had before.

Legal action is not worth it as the value of the issues do not weigh up to the value of the car.

MOve on......and no I am not a Expensive Daewoo advocate....just a realist that think ford & Expensive Daewoo sell too many cars to give a dam.

Cheers & best of luck

Raymondo !

Unfortunately, this is all too true!!!

it's a hell of a car when it works, but.....People open laugh at work now about the drama's I've had, suffice to say, there's 10 people who won't be buying one.

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