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Xr6 Or Xr8


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lol@all the guys that think stock XR8s are slow. I had to check under my feet to see if it was the BS piling up that was lifting them.

Stock .. there is nothing in it .. modified, T all the way.

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I have test drove a 2004 FPV Gt and thought it was slow and painfull to drive, I nearly brought it because I like the way it looked. I now have a 2003 XR6T which is a very nice car to drive, I have a cat back exhaust system and I am happy with the note that I get from it.

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Stock .. there is nothing in it .. modified, T all the way.

If you call half a second nothing.....LOL

The turbo launches out of the blocks a mile better that the 8!!!

PS the bullsh*t piling up is yours....HAHAHAHA

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  • Member For: 21y 4m 24d
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Stock .. there is nothing in it .. modified, T all the way.

If you call half a second nothing.....LOL

The turbo launches out of the blocks a mile better that the 8!!!

PS the bullsh*t piling up is yours....HAHAHAHA


Not half a second anymore...


BF XR6T (6Speed Auto) 0-100 - 6.2

BF XR8 (6Speed Auto) 0 -100 - 6.4

From Wheels Nov 2005

The XR6T's seem to be getting slower and slower in the performance times. If I remember correctly they did 0-100 in an Auto Ba T in 5.9 seconds when it first came out. Motor and Wheels haven't seemed to be able to replicate it since with MkII and BF.

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  • Member For: 21y 6m 11d
Stock .. there is nothing in it .. modified, T all the way.

If you call half a second nothing.....LOL

The turbo launches out of the blocks a mile better that the 8!!!

PS the bullsh*t piling up is yours....HAHAHAHA


Not half a second anymore...


BF XR6T (6Speed Auto) 0-100 - 6.2

BF XR8 (6Speed Auto) 0 -100 - 6.4

From Wheels Nov 2005

Looks like its piling up on your face Brunkster

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If it's going to be Auto it's the XR6T

If it's Manual I would choose XR8

If your going to Mod (Serious mods not like just a K & N Filter) go the XR6T

If it's going to get like a Cats Back Exhaust and that is all I would choose the XR8.

If your going BF the Auto V8's are as fast as a T but if your going BA/BA MKII they are SLOW.

Can't beat the sound of a BOSS with an Aftermarket Exhaust though mate, drive emboth is the only way to choose :spoton:

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  • Member For: 21y 5m 12d

Guys thanks for your posts so far.

My delemer is my partner doesnt want to spend 40 odd k, so I will be looking at the 25 - 30 k range, and too my supprise there is bugger all difference in price between 02 - 03 (sometimes 04 if there desperate) xr8 and t's.

I have a test drive lined up tomorrow in a xr8 wich is on ebay, and I am still unsure, though, I think im leaning the XR8 way, as well you gotta love that sound.

I have once before test drove a turbo a few years ago, and it was friggen awesome, so I am still undecided.

Im looking for sports leather seats - chunky wheel, premium sound, and premium brakes, sun roof is optional, wouldnt mind it, can live with out it, lol...

I spotted one with all that stuff in the for sale section (here) for 25k, allthough I dont mind the colour (preffer black) that is a great price, but anyway, I will be trying to sort it out in the next few days.


How shmick is that Bionic colour. Nice)


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I own both.I like both.The turbo feels lighter but with a more drivetrain vibration and engine resonance.The V8 is a lot smoother and feels like a much more solid and integrated car.Mine are both lightly modded.

Potential to go fast?

XR8 capa blower,edit and exhaust 7-8 grand?

XR6T ic, edit,injectors and valve springs about half that.

XR8 with headers and exhaust kills a turbo for exhaust note,almost worth buying for that alone.XR8 handles very well but Turbo handles better.What would I buy next time?Probably another V8.They have a whole different; more substantial feel and an XR8 with a blower- who cares about turbos.

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