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Joke Of The Day


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The Sofa King!

Edit: Sorry. Probably be funnier with the attachment right? :blush:

I still don't get it :unsure:

Some people are so facking slow

Don't you mean so fa-king slow?

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  • I don't suffer from insanity; I enjoy every minute of it
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lol @ you not getting it! LMAO!!!

sofa king = so f*cking!!

OMG!!! :blink:

One might even say that it is sofa king funny that he didn't get it :unsure::blink:

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  • I don't suffer from insanity; I enjoy every minute of it
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may I be that one ani?

One might even say that it is sofa king funny that he didn't get it :beerchug:

Go right ahead Glenn :3gears:

I do feel for Phantom Xr8 though. He must be sofa king embarrassed :holiday:

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  • Team Bute
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I feel for you PhantumXR8...

When I was an apprentice, I had the same problem getting to recognise who the " Nosmo King " was at my work.

It was part of a staff questionaire for all new staff..... sort of an IQ test.

I was told he appears in a lot of places, hanging around near building entrances.

Took me a couple of days to get it.

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Little Brucie was in his junior school class when the teacher asked the

children what their fathers do for a living. All the typical answers came

up, fireman, policeman, salesman, etc. Brucie was being uncharacteristically

quiet and so the teacher asked him about his father.

"My father is an exotic dancer in a gay club and takes off all his clothes in front of other men. Sometimes,if the offer is really good, he'll go out with a man, rent a cheap room and let them sleep with him".

The teacher hurriedly set the other children to work on some colouring and then trook little Brucie aside to ask him, "Is that really true about your father?"....

"No", said Brucie,

"My father play footy for the Bulldogs, but I was just too embarrassed to say". :lol:

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Osama bin laden was walking through the deasert one day, when from over the other side of a sand dune he heard a voice call out in an Australian accent:

"one aussie SAS soldier is better than 10 al qaida soldiers"

Now osama wasn't all that bothered by the cocky remark but he still thought it best to send 10 of his men over the hill to teach the guy a lesson. So 10 of his best soldiers marched over the sand dune to where the voice had come from and were engaged in a rather intense gunfight. After the smoke cleared the voice called out again:

"one aussie SAS soldier is better than 100 al qaida soldiers"

Osama was quite supprised that his 10 best soldiers had been killed and was determined to get revenge, so he ordered 100 more of his soldiers over the hill and told them not come back unless they had won. After a huge battle the voice called out a third time:

"one aussie SAS soldier is better than 1000 al qaida soldiers"

Osama was furious! never in his whole life had he been so humiliated. He ordered the rest of his army over the hill. Soldiers, tanks, suicide bombers, everything he had! The battle lasted for over an hour and when the smoke cleared a single soldier could be seen staggering back over the hill. It was the last surviving al qaida soldier, he walked down the hill and dropped to his knees in front of osama. As he took his last dying breath he looked up at his leader and said:

"it's a trap.......... there's two of them"

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