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Those of Lebanese extraction should probably stop reading now :thumbsup:

You wouldn't happen to be a LEBO by off chance :hrmm:

Well, I do like women, but then again I am a man, so I guess I ain't a lebo.


Oh, and I'm not lebanese either :lol:

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  • still kicking around
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ok heres one

why were paris hiltons parents upset when they seen her sex tape?

the towels in the background sai "econo lodge"

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Would you be game to pass a car with this numberplate? :ph34r: :lol:

Reminds me of Madge Simpsom when she got the sh!ts driving her car and stopped on a highway bridge holding up traffic and Wiggum tried to open her car door :blink::thumbsup:


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  • I see red
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Can't remember if we've had this one already, I'm sure MS700 will let me know if we have! :lol:

>One morning the Pope awoke in his bed chamber in the Vatican. To his

>surprise, he noticed that he had woken up with a massive erection.

>Perplexed, he called on his personal physician. "Doctor, this should not

>be possible," he said, "I'm the Pope, and I'm celibate! I haven't had

>one of these for 30 years!"


>The doctor's reply was, "Well, father, this is a natural phenomenon for

>all men, and it will happen even to you from time to time".


>The Pope exclaimed "But you must do something about this! I have mass

>in an hour, and this thing isn't going away!"


>The doctor replied "You have two options ... either I can administer an

>injection to your pen*s to make the problem go away, which will hurt and

>make you feel ill, or you can just quietly go into the toilet over there

>and relieve yourself."


>Fearing the injection, the Pope elects the second option. Unbeknown to

>him, a paparazzi photographer has sneaked into the Vatican, and just as

>the Pope reaches that point of no return, up pops the photographer and

>begins snapping away. The Pope immediately summons his security guards,

>who arrest the photographer, and begin to beat him up.


>The paparazzo shouts out, "Hey, I thought you were a Christian

>organization! What has happened to your forgiveness?"


>Upon refection, the pope agrees with the photographer, and relents,

>saying "Yes, my son, you are right, we shall release you.

>Unfortunately, we cannot return your camera, as we cannot allow the

>scandal of what is contained on the film to be seen in the outside



>Never slow to take an opportunity, the photographer replies, "But this

>is how I make my living! If you take my camera, I'll lose the money I

>could have sold the photographs for!"


>The Pope, feeling guilty, agrees. "Very well, we will compensate you.

>How about $100,000?"


>Ecstatic, the man agrees, and is soon on his way. The Pope, meanwhile

>attends confession, and the whole story comes out. For his penance, he

>is therefore ordered to walk three times around St. Peter's, with the

>offending camera around his neck. Out on his walk, he meets a Japanese




>"Ah, so, very nice Japanese camera you got there, Mr. Pope," says the

>man, "how much you pay for it?"


>"Being the Pope, I cannot tell a lie," he replies, "I must confess that

>I paid $100,000 for it."


>"Ah," says the Japanese gentleman, "look like someone saw you coming!"

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