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Bf Typhoon (and Mk2)


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  • Member For: 19y 1m 9d

Guys, its not that FPVs should have a cut out on the rear bar as they dont look all that good, but at least ALLOW for people, whom there must be a fair few, that have boats, trailers, jet skis and want a car that has plenty of power for towing, and people that want to look good doing it. Obviously FPV owners such as myself are after that something a little bit special, and if you cant do a reasonable left or right hand turn when towing, its beyond the joke and indeed very special and unique, as every other car I have had a tow pack installed on, I have not experienced this before. Yes guys, Expensive Daewoo do a way better job in this area (I had a VY SS just before the Phoon) and the packs are of much higher quality. As you can see from the pic attached, the same "1600kg towpack" from factory on the SS looks way better, and comes out about twise as far to ensure nothing hits the rear bar. Now if you think im towing some trailer that may have been the cause, here is a pic of what I tow every second/third wknd, either to the river for skiiing, to the sea for fishing or to my holiday shack. Its an 2005 model haines.

Anyways, thanks again guys.


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