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This Is Agonising...


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Hi everyone... I've been reading these forums for a short while and finally decided to write a post to try and get some help on some tough decisions.

I have never owned a car, but driven plenty of fords and holdens in the past and liked them both equally. Now I have decided it is time to chip up and get one for myself. The problem is that I really can't choose between a 2-3 year old Series III Monaro, or a BF XR6T.

I would prefer not to spend much more than 45K, so getting either will be a bit of a squeeze, but im hoping for a bit of advice on positives/negatives of either choice.

The most important thing to me is admittedly style. I want a cool car. Performance is a distant second, comfort reliability etc.. are a bit further down the list. (I don't have any intention of doing anything which will void any warranties to the car).

Each time I look at either of the cars I fall in love with it, so I really do need someone to help sway my mind.


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Hey there Nerazzuri

Welcome to XRT.

my experience: I looked at a monaro when deciding on my T, the Expensive Daewoo salesman said the T wins over the monaro :msm: , performance and value for money.



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Hi everyone... I've been reading these forums for a short while and finally decided to write a post to try and get some help on some tough decisions.

I have never owned a car, but driven plenty of fords and holdens in the past and liked them both equally. Now I have decided it is time to chip up and get one for myself. The problem is that I really can't choose between a 2-3 year old Series III Monaro, or a BF XR6T.

I would prefer not to spend much more than 45K, so getting either will be a bit of a squeeze, but im hoping for a bit of advice on positives/negatives of either choice.

The most important thing to me is admittedly style. I want a cool car. Performance is a distant second, comfort reliability etc.. are a bit further down the list. (I don't have any intention of doing anything which will void any warranties to the car).

Each time I look at either of the cars I fall in love with it, so I really do need someone to help sway my mind.


Everyone here will say go the Ford including me :idunno:

So go the T instead of the monaro

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Hello and welcome.

You may have come to the wrong place if you want us to tell you to buy the Monaro.

I am a ford Bloke, I have never owned a Holden, never will, but to each thier own, IF I was to ever want aholden, the Monaro would be the one, nice lines, and pretty sexy, but I cant bring myself to even drive one, let alone own one.

The BF falcon, it would be the most advanced Australian built car, Period. It is light years ahead of the Expensive Daewoo in drive dynamics and refinment, the trnas (six speed auto option), is one of the nicest trans you will ever use, it knows how you want to drive, and responds accordingly.

I love the tough look of the Falcon, BIG, imposing and a great drive, with the potentual to be real fast for not much $$$.

Both cars are good things, the falcon more practical, and a far better thing, it is Current design and technology, the Monaro was BASED on a Run-out Vx body, by the time it was released, it was one model behind, it looks 4 years old brand new, but that's the way it is.

Have a drive in both, see what you like, what you dont, then buy the Falcon.

You have been told.

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Monaros have no boot and go great with a receding hair line if you're a baby boomer. Also the fact that in the commodores most basic form, it's positively agricultural after a year. Ford has a little more refinement.

To a large extent, I don't think it's too subjective either. Look at the centre console in a t and then compare it with an ss or a monaro and the choice is obvious. Ford gives you a much better car for your money.

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I think $45k will be tight, unless you jump on to a runout sale. IMO there a few options that are essential to be truely satified with your T, such as premium sound and a sports steering wheel which will add about $1500.

Buying a 2nd hand Munro wont stack up against a NEW XR6T and it sounds like you have alread come to that conclusion.

Good luck with the "T" when you get it....ha ha

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Thanks everyone,

Nothing that anyone here has said really comes off as a suprise. I had pretty much come to the conclusion that the T is a better car (and cheaper) but couldn't choose between the styling of the two. (The sexy look of the monaro vs the tough look of the xr6t). I think I'll go with the T provided I can get a good price.

Thanks again.

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buy thru a car broker and u should save 4k off the RRPrice.

The 4 seater coupe Monaro is certainly a better looker...but the BF auto T is certainlyl a better car. Better interior; Ford has better paints to choose from and more of them. Test drive both and you will see that the mags are right when they say the BF is a generation ahead of the VZ commodore. Plus the commodore/monaro doesnt have a nice color screen inside which can be converted to digital TV or DVD easily.

And its an Aussie engine vs the Yankee LS1 which is ok.

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If you care more about looks instead of performance why not a second hand GT? IMO a better looker than the T, though personally I would go the T (only because I rate performance ahead of looks)

Edited by Merlin
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The most important thing to me is admittedly style. I want a cool car. Performance is a distant second, comfort reliability etc.. are a bit further down the list. (I don't have any intention of doing anything which will void any warranties to the car).



The answer is easy then. I don't know why you'd even have to ask, especially on a Ford forum. Because you aren't going to have anyone here give you the correct answer. Well except ME of course! :spit:

You have said you want a stylish, second rate performing, uncomfortable and unreliable car. Clearly you want a Monaro. Game over.

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