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Gods_gift's Twin Throttle Body Wet Dream


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Hi Guys..

This guy I've known for years has always tried to be better than me.. Previously, He had a AU 6 cylinder, And I have my AU XR8. Without a doubt, he always tried to make his car better than mine.. I personally didnt care. Now without speaking to him for years, he starts talking to me again(remind me to clean my msn list up), and telling me about his new xr6turbo.. I was at work the first time, and didnt really pay attention to him. This morning he comes online again, So I decided to question more about this so called xr6 turbo of his...

The previous conversation we had, he mentioned he spent $6400 @ JM Motorsport. On what. I'm not sure.. I know he did mention Twin Exhaust out the rear bumper bar.

Anyways, Here is this mornings conversation.. (I am Danny)

Danny says:

So you didnt tell me what else is done to your xr6t


lightened the engine by round 60kg by using aliminum castings

Danny says:


Danny says:

alumunum castings of what ?


like the rocketcover, head whole lot

Danny says:

man, its already aluminum


its heaps lighter, givs so much less understeer

Danny says:

what performance modifications have you done


Runnin twin throttle's, 18psi boost new cam lifters, forged pistons, n induction kit, uni chip

Danny says:

what power you got ?


at the moment not quiet enough 390kw but at there rwkw


but im gonna sell it soon

Danny says:

you running standard injectors ?


I wish standards only run up to 280kw

Danny says:

have you got pictures of this so called twin throttle setup ?.. Because This sound rather like a wet dream of yours

Danny says:

standard injectors are only good for 250rwkw, not 280


no but ill take some u know how easy it was to do my bro has the same on his normal ba


its 280 bro

Danny says:

and. How are you controlling the second throttle body?

Interestingly he is now Offline ......

What you guys think?? A wet dream with someone who doesnt have much idea? or.. has someone actually met this guy, and seen this car..

He obviously doesnt know about the beaut plenum that Nizpro make.. But on another Note.. Twin Throttle Body... With Fly-By-Wire system... Can it work.. And is it worth the hastle to attempt such a setup?? Personally I dont think so on the xr6turbo. But its a thought worth to ponder on engines such as the XR8 and GT/GTP Boss engine.. Imagine the Awsome twin throttle body setup you could do.

From a electronics standpoint.. The Blackoak module does not allow a second throttle body on it. However I do imagine you could somehow "slave" the second Throttle bodie's motor to the firsts... Who knows more about these? Are they simply stepper motors ?


Edited by Headsex
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He might mean 2nd CAI for his airbox.

But with all the weight savings he has apparently made, I would say he is a W@nker and has NFI about the T.

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This is giving Gods Gift a bad name. :stirthepot:

Gods Gift was a extremely fast and sucessful ski boat in the late 90's.

Whenever Gods Gift showed up at the launch ramp, you knew you were in for a good days racing! :laughing:

I'll see if I can find a pic.

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This is giving Gods Gift a bad name. :stirthepot:

Gods Gift was a extremely fast and sucessful ski boat in the late 90's.

Whenever Gods Gift showed up at the launch ramp, you knew you were in for a good days racing! :laughing:

I'll see if i can find a pic.




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This is giving Gods Gift a bad name. :laughing:

Gods Gift was a extremely fast and sucessful ski boat in the late 90's.

Whenever Gods Gift showed up at the launch ramp, you knew you were in for a good days racing! :laughing:

I'll see if I can find a pic.





Good work Dags!

that's the yacht im talking bout.

One of the first to become twin turbo. :msm::spoton:

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