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Hsvs Vs Xr6t


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Funny this thread came up. I had a run yesterday with a black coupe4 and it was not fast at all.

From the lights he had the jump on me as it was wet, but I pulled a car length each gear.

I changed at 5,000rpm, but I am running 250rwkw.

I thought is was a HSV the coupe4, so I was expecting some more of a run.

The guy gave up after he was royaly beaten

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Never been beaten by any VT/VX/VY/VZ GENIII or LS2 on the street. Never.

Seen a lot of 11 second LS1's down the plex, but they're running slicks, front runners, 90/10 shocks, low diff gears and all that other s_hit. Great if the only driving you do is down the strip, but on the street my money is on me beating them :spoton:

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It's possible that it was Rob Vikery's (owner of HPF) Coupe4. If this is correct it has a turbo and is running 330rwkw's and will beat most cars. I think his car is red and would be seen around Melbourne's east and southeast suburbs.

Geea. :pinch:


Heya. This was a black coupe 4. The bloke driving it had a Expensive Daewoo salesman shirt on. I won't discredit the dealer but it was near the dandenongs in Melbourne. So I assume it was totally stock and like a trade in car or something because they're a HSV dealer. There was no turbo flutter or anything.

My XR6t is a 6spd manual stock as a rock! The windows aren't even tinted!

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Funny this thread came up. I had a run yesterday with a black coupe4 and it was not fast at all.

From the lights he had the jump on me as it was wet, but I pulled a car length each gear.

I changed at 5,000rpm, but I am running 250rwkw.

I thought is was a HSV the coupe4, so I was expecting some more of a run.

The guy gave up after he was royaly beaten


Holy crap! This one was pretty effortless. But I didn't launch properly because I was so surprised the guy actually dragged at all. He looked very non chalant!

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I love smashing HSV's,

Have never been spanked , yet, I know it will happen, but it hasnt yet, I have run a few 6lts, both utes and sedans, great fun, every gear change they do I pull another length on them, they get me under brakes though, bastards.

So far my fav was a Malaboo stacyy (maloo) 6 lt, with quad tips and 20's, low and looked good, bloke was all over the back of me on the expressway for several km, then he took the Ncastle exit, so did I.

along the "link road", I handed him his ass three times, from behind twice as I got stuck behind traffic, he would gun it, so would I then I pulled out beside him, pulled along side him, he was flat, black exhaust smoke everywhere, then I give him a nod and floor it, ran out past 200, he was many car lenghts behind, he tried again, from a round about, both level this time, he got a great veiw of my fat silver ass as I hauled away.

He did wave when I turned off and he kept going, maybe to the ford dealers for a trade price?

this, was I might add on my 270 ish rwkw xede tune, not edit, no cooler, just exhaust, injectors and xede.

I now keep and eye out for STI's, evo's, M3's and pooches. bikes are fun too.

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My mate has got a stock auto Gen 3 VT SS which is freakishly quick. We did 3 run's against another mates stock auto T. Result. 2 wins for the SS one for the T. pretty much whoever got the better launch was able to hold the other one out to over 200 till we ran out of private road.

My mate had only just got the T and was still learning the best way to launch but we had to call and end to it after 3 runs as the T was starting to fuel surge. Haven't had a chance to run either of them in my T yet which should be interesting.

My point. Nerver underestimate a gen 3.

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  • Iconoclast
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My mate has got a stock auto Gen 3 VT SS which is freakishly quick. We did 3 run's against another mates stock auto T. Result. 2 wins for the SS one for the T. pretty much whoever got the better launch was able to hold the other one out to over 200 till we ran out of private road.

My mate had only just got the T and was still learning the best way to launch but we had to call and end to it after 3 runs as the T was starting to fuel surge. Haven't had a chance to run either of them in my T yet which should be interesting.

My point. Nerver underestimate a gen 3.

And to you J-bomb....... Never, ever, ever underestimate the ability of a blown 6 or you will not only find yourself very, very embaressed, but will find yourself looking like the proper twit you are........


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My mate has got a stock auto Gen 3 VT SS which is freakishly quick. We did 3 run's against another mates stock auto T. Result. 2 wins for the SS one for the T. pretty much whoever got the better launch was able to hold the other one out to over 200 till we ran out of private road.

My mate had only just got the T and was still learning the best way to launch but we had to call and end to it after 3 runs as the T was starting to fuel surge. Haven't had a chance to run either of them in my T yet which should be interesting.

My point. Nerver underestimate a gen 3.

And to you J-bomb....... Never, ever, ever underestimate the ability of a blown 6 or you will not only find yourself very, very embaressed, but will find yourself looking like the proper twit you are........


And why would I look like a twit? I'm well aware of the abilty of a blown 6 seeing as I own one and all.

I thought a VT SS would have been an easy scalp for a BA XR6 Turbo seeing as it has 20 kw's less power and is 5 years older. The fact that it was not an easy scalp was the point I was trying to get across.

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I live on the wrong side of Melbourne, as no one seems to want to run my XR6t, save for bikes. Like last night, a 750 Ninja(I think), although he did have a passenger so off the line we were close, but after that he pulled away. Had 2 go's, he was loving it. Had a chat with him at the next lights and he was amazed it was a six.

The dude in the riced up Lancer really wasnt worth the petrol, but I thought why not. Had many an opportunity against HSV's and SS's, but they dont wanna play.

Oddly enough, the only HSV to run me was on the freeway to the Island, a Yellow GTO coupe, with a chick driving, all rolling starts from 80kph, she gave up after the third go, I was suprised how much pulled on her between 80kph and 140. So was she I think.

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