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Most people can guess, with 95% accuracy the sex of someone else just by smelling their breath


You wouldn't want to test that theory with blind fold in Oxford Street, Sydney... :blink:

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Did you know....

That the Greeks invented sex, over 3500 years ago...

A thousand years later, the Italians introduced the concept to women.... :blink:

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Did you know my shoulder is now dislocated from trying to lick my elbows :crybaby:


and you need to do this

why :fool:



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  • Just because it is, doesn't mean it should be.....
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Did you know....

That the Greeks invented sex, over 3500 years ago...

A thousand years later, the Italians introduced the concept to women....  :crybaby:




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  • Still have a turbo, it's just on a diesel.
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When the printing press was invented the letters where kept in a divided box called a case. the capitals where kept at the top and the little letters where at the bottom, Hence Capital letters became "upper case" and the little letters "lower case"

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Since 1972, Tasmania, supplies 40% of world demand for raw narcotics, and is in 2003 worth an estimated A$50 million at the farm gate and A$200million in exports.

The poppy plant, (Papaver somniferum) when mature, contains pharmaceutical alkaloids in the walls of its poppy capsule or ‘crown’. While a poppy capsule can contain up to 20 different alkaloids, the morphine, codeine and thebaine alkaloids are the principal alkaloids sought.

The world industry, its extent of production, and procedures, are ultimately controlled by the United Nations Commission on Narcotic Drugs.

For security reasons, alkaloids cannot be stored so each year's crop size is limited by the expected sales demand. The US as the world's largest consumer of legal narcotics has agreed during the Cold War to purchase 80 per cent of its requirements of morphine from just two countries, Turkey and India. However thebaine is not covered by the 80:20 rule. (Thebaine during the plant growth transforms from codeine and then to morphine).

Twelve hundred farmers now grow the crop in Tasmania. Growers need a company contract, and a licence from the Tasmanian Poppy Advisory Control Board, to grow the crop.

Once licensed, a grower applies to one or both pharmaceutical company which stipulates the acreage a farmer can plant. Intensive R&D by the two companies has seen the alkaloid levels rise from an already high 2 per cent to 3 per cent. Payment to the growers is according to yield and at 2 per cent assay, is $855 per tonne of crop which can be $5500 per hectare.

Processing involves thrashing to remove the seed from the straw (concentrated poppy straw, CPS). CPS contains between 40 and 80 per cent alkaloid.

Two poppy companies operate in Tasmania, Tasmanian Alkaloids and GlaxoSmithKline

Tasmanian Alkaloids is owned by the US company Johnson and Johnson has developed a new variety of papaver somniverum in which the thebaine is the main alkaloid and so bypasses the 80:20 rule. It now supplies 90 per cent of the world's thebaine. It converts the CPS to codeine and other active pharmaceutical ingredients in Tasmania.

British owned GlaxoSmithKline collects its dry poppy capsules or ‘poppy straw’ for processing in Victoria. British owned, it is not subject to the 80:20 rule and sells most of its product to Europe and the UK and now the world's largest producer of morphine...

... might explain something about the Tasmanian women I have met...

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  • Gandalf the Grey, Maiar of Manwë and Varda, Team HgAg/Sneaky
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When the printing press was invented the letters where kept in a divided box called a case. the capitals where kept at the top and the little letters where at the bottom, Hence Capital letters became "upper case" and the little letters "lower case"


... also, in the case, the 'p' mats were kept besides the 'q' mats, therefore the saying "Mind your p's and q's".


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  • Xtreme Xalted Member
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When the printing press was invented the letters where kept in a divided box called a case. the capitals where kept at the top and the little letters where at the bottom, Hence Capital letters became "upper case" and the little letters "lower case"

... also, in the case, the 'p' mats were kept besides the 'q' mats, therefore the saying "Mind your p's and q's".


I didn't know that....

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  • Xtreme Xalted Member
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Did you know....

If a man can maintain a state of... er...arousal and achieve...ahhh... climax 7 times over a three hour period, he will end up partly bald, have a gut, have more hair on his back than on his head and will need glasses to read.


Well it happened to

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