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  • Flower Power
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Option 2

Upgrade standard brakes to OEM ford Premium Brakes, which I am assuming is bigger calipers, oval slotted rotors plus pads... are the lines included (ie braided)?... About $2000 depending on source, I can fit them myself.


Don't get the OEM Ford Premium brakes, they will cost you too much and the grooved rotors are prone to shudder as well.

Talk to BCR01 (off this forum), get the Premium Kit he sells (which is exactly the same caliper, pad, rotor material) as the Ford OEM kit, except the rotors are slotted rather than grooved. I think he can do it for a fair bit under 2k.

I've installed the slotted rotors when my Ford Premium OEM grooved ones were past their used by date (shuddering and worn out), no sign of shudder yet :3gears:

Your other two options are still flawed when it comes to your original problem (fade). There just isnt enough metal to dissapate the heat any more than standard.

You will feel a bit more initial bite than the Ford Standard brakes cause of the better pads/rotor combo, but the fade will still be there.

On my first car when I got the DBA4000's and Ferodo pads I though they were awesome, and raved on about them, but I still got them to fade, easily at that.

I made sure that I got the premiums on this car, and with the right pads I haven't been able to fade them.

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He is my 2cents worth ...

My car had 22,000 klms when I first took it to Wakefield park for a fang. I have never had brake shudder or fade at all. Then after 5 laps the brake shudder started and as the day when on the fade got worse :3gears: . By the end of the day I had hot spotted the rotors.

Looked at the options and when for the PBR slotted rotors and green stuff pads. Around home you will know little difference.

The rotors were $120 each, Pad about $100 a pair plus fitting and new fluid all up cost just under a grand.

Next time down at Wakefield the difference was unbelivable. ABSOULTLEY no brake fade at all. I AM VERY HAPPY NOW!!! :tease:

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He is my 2cents worth ...

My car had 22,000 klms when I first took it to Wakefield park for a fang. I have never had brake shudder or fade at all. Then after 5 laps the brake shudder started and as the day when on the fade got worse  :spoton: . By the end of the day I had hot spotted the rotors.

Looked at the options and when for the PBR slotted rotors and green stuff pads. Around home you will know little difference.

The rotors were $120 each, Pad about $100 a pair plus fitting and new fluid all up cost just under a grand.

Next time down at Wakefield the difference was unbelivable. ABSOULTLEY no brake fade at all. I AM VERY HAPPY NOW!!! :msm:


now I am confused aswell.. cro said the pbr kit is near 2k and you got it for under 1k!!

did you just do the fronts?

I was under the impression you needed new calipers if you went for the pbr slotted rotors??


im lost haha...

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but I think I see what is being said....

Upgrade rotors only: waste of money

Upgrade to premo OEM brakes: also waste of money

Upgrade to PBR upgrade kit: (I didnt know it was different)... better value

All in all, I guess if I want to make a difference with brake fade I would have to upgrade the lot, involving re-drawing on my loan. Might be worth while, so I guess I have to weigh up exactly what an EDIT is worth to me.

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  • Flower Power
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To clear things up a bit.

We have thrown 4 kit idea's in the open.

Kit 1.

DBA4000 rotors, upgraded pads of some sort

Kit 2.

DBA4000 rotors, upgraded pads of some sort, braided brake lines, upgraded fluid

Kit 3.

PBR Premium Brake Kit - Larger Caliper, Larger Slotted Rotor, Larger Pads, Braided Brake Lines

Kit 4.

Ford OEM Premium Brake Kit - Larger Caliper, Larger Grooved Rotor, Larger Pads

Kit 3 & Kit 4 come with the same Caliper & Pads. The rotors in Kit 3 & 4 are made from the same material, and are the same size. The only difference between the rotors is the Slotted Vs Grooved.

Kit 3 is a fair bit cheaper than Kit 4.

PBR Make the brakes for Ford, which is why Kit 3 and Kit 4 are very similar (the only differences being slotted vs grooved rotors, no braided lines in Kit 4, and Kit 3 is way cheaper).

Kit 1 & Kit 2 will increase initial bite (especially kit 2), but will have very minimal improvments when it comes to fade.

Kit 3 & Kit 4 will increase initial bite, and improve the fade resistance of your brakes by heaps. You probably still will be able to fade them if you have an auto, but very rarely will this happen.

I hope this makes it a bit easier to understand.

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To clear things up a bit.

We have thrown 4 kit idea's in the open.

Kit 1.

DBA4000 rotors, upgraded pads of some sort

Kit 2.

DBA4000 rotors, upgraded pads of some sort, braided brake lines, upgraded fluid

Kit 3.

PBR Premium Brake Kit - Larger Caliper, Larger Slotted Rotor, Larger Pads, Braided Brake Lines

Kit 4.

Ford OEM Premium Brake Kit - Larger Caliper, Larger Grooved Rotor, Larger Pads

Kit 3 & Kit 4 come with the same Caliper & Pads. The rotors in Kit 3 & 4 are made from the same material, and are the same size. The only difference between the rotors is the Slotted Vs Grooved.

Kit 3 is a fair bit cheaper than Kit 4.

PBR Make the brakes for Ford, which is why Kit 3 and Kit 4 are very similar (the only differences being slotted vs grooved rotors, no braided lines in Kit 4, and Kit 3 is way cheaper).

Kit 1 & Kit 2 will increase initial bite (especially kit 2), but will have very minimal improvments when it comes to fade.

Kit 3 & Kit 4 will increase initial bite, and improve the fade resistance of your brakes by heaps. You probably still will be able to fade them if you have an auto, but very rarely will this happen.

I hope this makes it a bit easier to understand.

Great post Cro.

Explains all the options available, and lets people do a bit of their own reaserch on prices. Not meaning to say you should have included prices. Its pointless me telling people my prices when I am in a different state, same goes for you I guess.

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Nice post Cro...... :Welcome2FordXR6t:

I took NEWL advice and went down to my local Ford dealer today and told them that I'm experiencing shutter.

Ford asked when was the car built + how many km's. I answered all there questions, then asking if rotors are covered under warranty. He came back after a short time and said that the rotors are covered under warranty. GOOD.

I saw letter about rotors. If the car was built after the 27th Oct 2003 rotors would be covered under warranty if your car has done less than 50,000km.

I think that's got aload of my cheastand may others I hope. As soon as the car hits 50,000km I'll be changing the brakes straight away.

I'll like to thank everyone who has put their suggestion across. :spoton:


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Thanks Cro, your a champ :Welcome2FordXR6t:

Interesting about the brakes warranty, my car is just ticking over to 60k so I guess an upgrade is in the works.

Liking the look of kit #3... I guess this is the best value.

Now I gotta save $$

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I recently upgraded to a set of RDA sloted front rotors and a decent set of pads, while the rest of the braking system is stock, it has made a huge difference to braking and was done for around $340

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